All Creations Are by the Same Hand

Thomas Lima csc –

Readings: 2 Kgs 19: 9,11,14-21,31-36; Mt 7: 6,12-14

There are three points to consider in the gospel reading of the day.

First, the futility of teaching those who refuse to be taught. During the time of Jesus, dogs were not yet considered man’s friends, and swine were deemed unclean. To be compared to these animals was a great insult. Thus, Jesus is telling us not to waste our spiritual energy trying to convert those who are hostile to us, as it will only create more hostility. Expecting everyone to accept the good news will only bring disappointment and frustration. God alone can change people’s consciousness to a level where they can understand and relate to the message.

Second, the golden rule is common to all Christians. It is the summary of ethical behaviour, whether stated positively as in “Do to others” or negatively as in “Do not do to others.” If you don’t want others to hurt you, then do not hurt them. If you want others to love you, then love them yourself.

Third, the narrow gate through which only a few enter represents theroad to maturity, a long and difficult process. Only people with courage and perseverance can take it. Most people are content with what they are now and seek the easy way. Unfortunately, they are unaware that difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations.

Let us always be reminded that others are creations of the same hand that created us. Let us always be respectful of them, regardless of their level of maturity.

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