Be Sincere in Your Faith and Lives

Thamajoy Reang csc –

Readings: 2 Kgs 22: 8 – 13; Mt 7: 15 -20

In the first reading, we witness the king, Josiah, along with all the men of Judah and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem, demonstrating their readiness to follow the covenant of the Lord with all their hearts and souls.

The king selflessly listened to the priest and walked in the path of God, leading all possible men along with him. The king’s willingness to follow the Lord reminds us that we too must adopt such an attitude in our journey of reigning over our lives in our own kingdoms. Sometimes, the words of God do not come to us with the literal descent of the Holy Spirit, but rather through human instrumentality. God wants us to heed His words through various people and discern true prophets in our lives to avoid falling into false prophecies.

In the Gospel, Jesus warns his disciples to beware of false prophets who come disguised as sheep but are inwardly ravenous wolves.

Furthermore, Jesus explains that true or false prophets can be identified by the fruits of their lives. Jesus provides us with a clear understanding of our own prophetic journey in the world.

Sometimes, we may act holy in front of others, convincing them that our words and actions align with the Kingdom of God. However, Jesus emphasizes that our very “tree of life” will reveal to others the fruits of our genuine faith. Jesus invites us to be sincere in our faith and our lives.

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