Empowering Faith: CRI Goa’s Transformative Study Weekend Ignites Journey Towards Jubilee 2025

Br. Malvino Alfonso OCD & Verghese V Joseph –

Goa: In a significant initiative aimed at enhancing understanding of foundational Church teachings, the Conference of Religious India (CRI) Goa unit organized a study weekend on August 24-25, 2024. This transformative program focused on the four Constitutions of the Second Vatican Council and took place at the St. Joseph Vaz Spiritual Renewal Centre in Old Goa, marking a pivotal step in preparation for Jubilee 2025.

The event was inaugurated by Fr. Joaquim Fernandes SVD, Episcopal Vicar for Religious, alongside notable attendees including Sr. Flory Rodrigues FMCK, President of CRI-Goa, and Fr. Henry Falcão, Director of the hosting center; besides Sr. Luiza Fernandes MSP, Mother General of the Missionary Society of Our Lady of Pilar; Sr. Faria Barretto HC, Mother General of the Congregation of the Handmaids of Christ; and Fr. Eugene D’Souza, Vice President of CRI-Goa.

The gathering featured presentations by various directors, each addressing one of the four key Vatican II documents: Sacrosanctum Concilium (on Sacred Liturgy), Lumen Gentium (on the Church), Dei Verbum (on Divine Revelation), and Gaudium et Spes (on the Church in the Modern World).

Fr. Eugene D’Silva, Vice President of CRI-Goa and the program’s convenor, welcomed the participants, while Fr. Falcão provided insights about the facilities at the center. A prayer dance performed by students from St. Anthony High School added a spiritual touch to the inaugural ceremony.

Throughout the weekend, participants engaged in meaningful discussions and reflections based on guided questions from resource persons. The valedictory function, facilitated by Fr. Falcão, included skits performed by seminarians from the Redemptorists and Dominicans, showcasing the Vatican II documents through creative expression.

Fr. Joaquim, presiding over the Eucharistic celebration.

The participants also celebrated the Eucharist at the Miraculous Cross Chapel, presided over by Fr. Joaquim Fernandes. The event concluded with expressions of gratitude from Sr. Flory Rodrigues, emphasizing the importance of such gatherings in fostering a deeper understanding of Church teachings.

With 150 religious members, including formees from various congregations, the program was well-received, with participants expressing appreciation for CRI-Goa’s efforts. As the weekend closed, attendees left with a renewed sense of purpose and unity, reflecting the program’s success in promoting dialogue and spiritual enrichment.

Looking ahead, CRI-Goa plans to continue its preparatory journey towards Jubilee 2025 with a series of Focus on Prayer days in September 2024, culminating in a special Eucharistic celebration on May 1, 2025, where a commemorative souvenir will be unveiled. This weekend’s program has established a strong foundation for future events, reinforcing the commitment of Goa’s religious community to embody and live out the teachings of the Church in contemporary society.

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