Importance of Love Within the Context of Spiritual Gifts

Marshal Mawlong csc –

Readings: 1 Cor 12: 31-13 :13; Lk 7: 31-35

The readings of today motivate me not to care so much about what people think about me or how they judge me. I am invited to give Love to others in its purity without having any expectations in return. I am challenged to love everyone, especially those who criticise me with their judgments and prejudices.

The first reading of today emphasizes the importance of love within the context of spiritual gifts within the church. St. Paul encourages the Corinthians to eagerly desire the greater gifts. He also presents different characteristics of Love and says that Love surpasses all spiritual gifts and endures forever. St Paul urges us to find Love as a guiding principle for worship, relationships, and spiritual life. The gospel reading highlights spiritual indifference and deafness.

The message of Jesus of the kingdom of God is a proclamation of good news that produces great joy and hope for those who will listen, but it is also a warning of disaster for those who refuse to accept God’s gracious offer. Jesus calls me not to be indifferent like the people who do just the opposite of what the situation is demanding of them. I am invited to read the signs of the times and to gain the competence to see and the courage to act.

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