Pope’s Laudato Si Movement: Season of Creation Celebration Kicks Off Globally on Sept 1

Verghese V Joseph –

Bengaluru: Christian communities globally are gearing up to celebrate the Season of Creation 2024, which runs from September 1 to October 4. This annual observance is a time dedicated to prayer and action for the environment, culminating in the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi. The theme for this year is “To Hope and Act with Creation,” inspired by St. Paul’s Letter to the Romans, emphasizing the importance of caring for the planet.

The Season of Creation will kick off with the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation on September 1. This day serves as a significant moment for Christians worldwide to unite in prayer and reflection on their responsibility towards nature.

Pope Francis, in his message for this occasion, highlights the urgency of saving the planet and addressing the climate crisis, stating that “the whole of creation is caught up in this process.” He urges individuals and communities to collaborate with “all men and women of good will” to rethink humanity’s relationship with nature and the limits of human power.

Bishops from various countries, including Italy, Ireland, Spain, and the United States, have echoed this call, encouraging their congregations to actively participate in environmental stewardship. he messages have resonated among bishops’ conferences around the world: from Italy, Ireland and Spain, through to the United States, to East Asian countries, such as Malaysia, Singapore, and Brunei.  The Spanish bishops, for instance, remind their followers that while everyone is called to care for the Earth, they should not view themselves as the center of the universe.

Throughout the Season of Creation, a variety of events are planned. An online prayer service will mark the opening on September 1, featuring religious leaders from different denominations offering prayers of intercession. Other notable activities include initiatives focused on reducing fossil fuel dependency and a closing prayer service on the Feast of St. Francis.

Special Initiatives and Events

In East Timor, Pope Francis will visit from September 9 to 11, launching the “One Tree for the Pope” campaign. This initiative encourages citizens to present a tree to the Pope as a gesture of gratitude for his commitment to environmental issues. This symbolic act reflects the broader theme of the Season of Creation, which seeks to inspire tangible actions towards ecological preservation.

Various events are also planned in different parts of the world. For example:

  • Venice, Italy will host a Creation Festival
  • New Jersey, USA will feature an international rosary of creation prayer along with discussions on environmental issues
  • Newcastle West, Australia will conduct talks focused on caring for creation
  • UK communities will engage in climate pilgrimages, emphasizing the spiritual aspect of environmental activism.

India too is facing a growing threat from climate change, with recent observations indicating significant irregularities in monsoon patterns and a noticeable rise in maximum temperatures across the country. These changes are posing serious challenges to the nation’s development and the well-being of its people.

This year, the Bombay Archdiocesan Office for Environment (AOE) has planned a number of activities to promote awareness about the Season of Creation. These include:

  • Liturgies at Sunday Masses in September at a parish in every Deanery
  • Eco Canticles – an evening of music and drama to celebrate the gift of Creation on Saturday, September 21 at 6PM at Don Bosco, Matunga
  • Launch of the next batch of the Certificate Course for Eco Ambassadors at Thane (St John the Baptist Church), with the first session on September 28
  • The Season of Creation Mass schedule is below; for other details or to download the liturgy please refer to the website Archdiocesan Office of Environment, Mumbai or contact 9820093121 (WhatsApp).
  • 1st September: 9AM at Holy Family, Andheri and 9.30AM at St John the Baptist, Thane
  • 7th September: 7PM at Our Lady of Salvation, Dadar
  • 8th September: 9.30AM at Our Lady of Egypt, Kalina
  • 15th September: 8.30AM at St Francis de Sales, Koparkhairane and 10AM at St Peter, Bandra
  • 22nd September: 8AM at Our Lady of Lourdes, Orlem, 9AM at St Francis Xavier, Dabul and 9.15AM at Holy Cross, Kurla
  • 29th September: 6.30AM at Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Korlai and 7AM at Our Lady of the Sea, Uttan

The Laudato Si’ Movement, a global Catholic organization dedicated to addressing the climate and ecological crisis, plays a crucial role in supporting these initiatives, offering resources that integrate faith, science, and action to combat the climate crisis. The movement encourages individuals and parishes to utilize materials available on the Season of Creation website, which include celebration guides, liturgical resources, and ideas for community engagement.

The message of the Pope and other world religious leaders, as well as resources for action, can be found here. In addition, other helpful materials for the promotion of the Season of Creation can be found under this link.

The overarching message of this year’s Season of Creation is one of hope and proactive engagement. It calls for a collective effort to protect the environment, emphasizing that caring for creation is not just a duty but a profound expression of faith. As Pope Francis reminds us, this is a time to reflect on our relationship with the Earth and to take meaningful steps towards its preservation.

As the Season of Creation approaches, Christian communities are poised to demonstrate their commitment to environmental stewardship through prayer, reflection, and action, fostering a spirit of unity and hope for a sustainable future.

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