Relationship with Jesus will be Fruitful and Transformative

Akhsi Wary csc –

Readings: Am 9:11-15; Mt 9:14-17

“Can the wedding guests mourn as long as the bridegroom is present?”

In today’s gospel, Jesus presents himself to his disciples and to us as our bridegroom. Today, Jesus extends an open invitation for us to have a relationship with him as a bridegroom relates to a bride. It is very easy for us to have a relationship with Jesus as our saviour, shepherd, and friend, our way, our truth, and our life. We are very comfortable acknowledging those relationships with Jesus.

However, today, Jesus reveals what he desires from us individually- an intimate and new relationship. He invites us to be with him in the most profound relationship, that of bridegroom and bride.

Jesus asserts that He does not want us to simply patch up our relationship with Him. Patching up old clothes and old wineskins will not work or last long with Jesus. He wants us to have a lasting and intimate relationship.

As Jesus invites us to this new relationship, new clothes, new wineskins-we seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance and blessings. Let us pray that our effort to enter into an intimate relationship with Jesus will be fruitful and transformative, leading us to a deeper, more enduring bond with our Lord.

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