St. Thomas’ Journey: From Doubt to Faith Assurer

Akhsi Wary csc –

Readings: Eph 2:19-22; Jn 20:24-26

Today’s first reading from Paul’s letter to the Ephesians is a powerful testimony
to the importance of community and how God binds us together. In this age of
technological advancement, we are often distancing ourselves from one another.

St. Paul urges us to stay committed to the core meaning of being human through community and face-to-face interaction. It is true that we grow as individuals, but our families, friends, societies, and communities invite us and teach us to see ourselves in ways that reveal our need for one another. When we are in community for one another, St. Paul reminds us: “You are no longer strangers and sojourners, but you are fellow citizens with the holy ones and members of the household of God.” Today we celebrate the feast of Saint Thomas the Apostle.

In today’s gospel, we hear how St. Thomas doubted the other disciples when they said they had seen the resurrected Jesus. The life of St. Thomas teaches us many lessons. As followers of Jesus, we must be loyal to God until death. Thomas was ready to go with Jesus and die with Him when Jesus was going back to Judea for His mission. Likewise, our faithfulness to God should endure even in challenging circumstances.

St. Thomas also teaches us the importance of sincerity and openness in our learning. We must seek honest understanding when we face doubts and uncertainties, for that will lead us to a deeper faith in God.

St. Thomas’s journey from doubt to faith assures us that questioning and seeking can bring us closer to the truth and strengthen our relationship with God. As we honour St. Thomas today, let us reflect on his example and strive to build strong, faith-filled communities that support and uplift one another in our shared journey of faith.

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