Strive to Align Our Plans with God’s Plan

Jessel Pradeep Cutinha csc –

Readings: 2 Kgs 11:1-4, 9-18, 20; Mt 6:19-23

Today’s readings invite us to store treasures for ourselves in heaven. The treasures of the earth are bound for destruction. Therefore, Jesus today highlights the value of spiritual wealth over material possessions and shows us the significance of eternal life. How can we store up treasures in heaven?

We can store up treasures in heaven by turning our hearts to God. A good relationship with God, a life filled with good deeds and kindness, helps us to turn our hearts to Him. We can be spiritually healthy only when we encounter God in constant personal prayer and by reflecting on the Word of God.

Going the extra mile, reaching out to the needs of others, and prioritizing God and his will is very difficult. It calls us to come out of our comfort zones and challenges us to forgo the easy ways of life. Through this, Jesus does not say that worldly goods are not good, but if we are unable to come out of these possessions to reach out to the needy, then they become obstacles to our spiritual growth. Let us then focus more and more on virtues like love, kindness, humility, and generosity, which have lasting value. Let us strive to align our plans with God’s plan so that our hearts may turn towards him, and may he help us to store up the treasures that give us eternal life.

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