Indian Catholic Matters is proud to present you Fr. Joseph Royan’s 40 Days of Lenten Reflections. Fr. Joseph Royan, C.Ss.R belongs to the Congregation of the Most Redeemer. He has completed his licentiate in Moral Theology and is currently professor of Moral Theology at St. Alphonsus College. He is also Director of Redemptorist Publications India and Editor of “Breaking the Word.”
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Easter Sunday Reflection
Day 46: Contemplate the Mystery of our death
Day 45: Good Friday – Christ died for YOU!!
Day 44: Maundy Thursday – Called to serve
Day 43: Spy Wednesday – The Cost of Betrayal
Day 42: We can all relate to Peter – The divided Disciple
Day 41: Holy week leads us to the newness of life in Christ
Day 40: Passion Sunday – The Lord needs to ride on your donkey
Day 39: Your Vindication is at Hand by Joseph
Day 38: Find God in your unexpected difficulties
Day 37: Are you Saved or Lost
Day 36: Freedom from Slavery
Day 35: Saved by the power of the Cross
Day 34: Feast of St. Joseph – God has a plan for you
Day 33: God of second chances, God of new beginnings
Day 32: Call to Holiness
Day 31: Is it guilt or shame?
Day 30: Lord I Believe Help my Unbelief
Day 29: Seeking the will of God at all times
Day 28: Jesus is our living water of New Life
Day 27: Let go and Let God into your life
Day 26: The Prodigal Father
Day 25: Come as you are before God
Day 24: Love God by loving your neighbour
Day 23: Listen!!! God is speaking to you today
Day 22: Our God is Close to Us
Day 21: Extend God’s forgiveness to others
Day 20: By His wounds we are healed
Day 19: Be fruitful
Day 18: God comes searching for YOU
Day 17: Wait on God Patiently
Day 16: Globalisation of Indifference
Day 15: Power and Authority is always about Humble Service
Day 14: Humility is Truth
Day 13: Stand against the Dictatorship of Relativism
Day 12: Conquer Your Mountain
Day 11: Love Those Who Hate You
Day 10: By Forgiving you manifest God’s Divinity
Day 9: Power of Prayer
Day 8: No Sin is Greater than God’s Mercy
Day 7: Build your lives on God’s WORD
Day 6: Store Treasures in Heaven Through Your Kind Acts
Day 5: Find God in your Desert
Day 4: God Does Not Look at Our Past
Day 3: True Meaning of Fasting
Day 2: Choose Life
Day 1: Ash Wednesday
Thank you Fr. Royan. I have been given by one of my dear friend Last year the Reflections. I am happy to hear you this year the Lenten Mission. May the Lord bless you abundantly for spreading the Word of God
Thank you Hazel Mendonca. God be praised. God bless you too.
Fr. Joe Royan, C.Ss.R
Dear Fr. Royan, thank you very much for these inspiring and meaningful Lenten messages. Feel blessed with your messages which helps us grow in our spiritual life. May God continue to use you spread His word.
Praise God Pat, God bless you too.
Fr. Joe Royan, C.Ss.R
Thank u very much dear Fr. Royan …ur reflections r very much enriching n makes it easy to follow spec now in Lent…God b vid u n give u d grace to inspire d faithfuls , tc Raynah
Praise God Raynah Rodrigues, thank you for sharing your experience.
God bless you too,
Fr. Joe Royan, C.Ss.R
Dear Fr. Joe, was so happy to be able to access this. I had some WIFI problem.. All set now to go on SoundCLOUD 9 through your meaningful Reflections! Thank you and keep them coming.
Dear Annette, I am glad to know you have been able to open the file on Soundcloud. Will keep the reflections coming. God bless you too.
Fr. Joe Royan, C.Ss.R
Thank you Fr Joseph Royan, your Lenten reflections enrich life and makes me thirst for more of God.
Dear Charmaine,
May God’s Word quench your thirst. God bless you too.
Fr. Joe Royan, C.Ss.R
Dear Fr. Royan, thank you for the inspiring and meaningful Lenten messages. I love to listen to your message every morning before i start work… May God continue to use you to spread His word. Thankyou and God Bless
Dear Maria,
Praise God, I am glad to know that the Lenten Reflections have been a blessing in your life. God bless you too.
Fr. Joe Royan, C.Ss.R
Dear Fr.Royan
Thank you very much for your inspiring reflections..May God continue to use you for his geater glory.
God Bless.
Praise God Raymond Thomas, God bless you and your family.
Fr. Joe Royan, C.Ss.R
Thanks dear Fr.Royan for the inspiring and thought provoking Lenten reflections on the the daily readings of scripture. It helps me to introspect my life and prepare to participate in the Eucharist. Thank you very much.
Dear Nathalia D’Souza,
I am so glad to know that the Lenten Reflections have been a blessing in your life and a great way of preparing for the Eucharist. God bless you too.
Fr. Joe Royan, C.Ss.R
Dear Fr. Ryan, I am blessed to hv received this inspiring Lenten Reflections of yours shared by my dear friend. Thank you so much . God bless you. Thanks also for teaching us how to read Bible effectively.
Dear Sheila K.
Thank you for sharing your experience of listening to God’s Word. God bless you too.
Fr. Joe Royan, C.Ss.R
Dear Fr. Royan,
The topic of us being sinners and God’s infinite Mercy Compassion and Forgiveness never fail to touch me deeply. I can only rely on God’s Mercy and pray that I will never cease to throw myself on his unfailing Mercy. Have mercy on us Oh Lord, have mercy on us for we are sinners.
Dear Mrs. Norma Watts,
Thank you for sharing your perspective on the topic of God’s mercy and compassion. We all stand in need of God’s mercy and compassion. God bless you too.
Fr. Joe Royan, C.Ss.R
If only we knew how beautiful is is to pray
Knowing God truly listens to all we say
He wants to hear, however simple and small
The reasons why on Him we call.
So with trust and confidence in mind
Let us approach our Saviour good and kind
And bring to Him all the joys and sorrows
That we go through in all our today’s and
And let’s not forget to worship and Praise
Our loving Saviour throughout our days
And always remember when we kneel in
It’s our Lord and Saviour we’re meeting there
Who knows exactly what we have to say
Even before we can begin to pray.
Dear Norma Watts,
Thank you for sharing that beautiful reflection on Prayer. Every word is so true. May you have a prayer-filled life. God bless you,
Fr. Joe Royan, C.Ss.R
“He who is last will be first” He who will be the greatest must first be the servant of All. Make us humble Lord ever willing to put ourselves last, Amen
You have effectively used technology , to bring us closer to God & his precious teachings.You have brought the Bible,into our mobile phones, into the time we waste in traffic, waiting for endless Services be it at the Doctor or the Dentist.
Bless you Fr.your 6 minutes of ” Lenten reflections” ,have made a meaningful start ,to my day.I look forward to getting up every day , to hear your soothing voice and ever so relevant messages.
You are truly,a man with a mission, with a gift of both the heart and tongue.
Dear Fr. Royan,
You took the words right out of my mouth ! “How can you love a God you cannot see when you don’t love your neighbors whom you see”
Dear Lord, let us see you in everyone . Then we can have no other course but to love them.
We pray for this Grace, Amen.