By Jennifer Pinto.
Looking back at my life, I realise now that I was never told or taught about being fit. My mother was a runner in her school and college days, but my sister and I were never consciously encouraged to be fit or sporty. I don’t know why. If you’re anything like me, then we need to talk!
Somehow, women, once we get married and have our babies, we don’t bother much about our health and fitness. I am not referring to our looks – need to look skinny and fit into fashion savvy clothes. No. I’m talking about our health and our fitness. Why do we put it on the back burner? Why do we think it’s not important or worth taking time out for? Yes, I do know that our children and their needs are a priority. But why doesn’t our health fit into our list of priorities? Is it because of a false sense of modesty, sacrifice or servitude? We fall sick, develop lifestyle diseases like diabetes, hypertension etc., and then become a liability to our families, putting unnecessary pressure on them… We get onto medication and think that it will solve our problems. Wrong again. Besides, what sort of example are we setting for our kids?
If it helps you, I will share my story. I would love it if it inspires you to take up exercising on a regular basis. I had my son in 2008 and funnily, I put on more weight after his birth than during the pregnancy. Cut to two years later, in 2010 I was struggling with a heavy body and the beginnings of ill health. That made me WAKE UP. I suggest you don’t wait till then. I wanted to be healthy. I made up my mind that day, that it would be the last time I would find myself sitting around being lazy or disinterested in my own health. I wanted to live long, live happy and be there for my son and my husband! I realise now, that I was deciding to gift them my life.
While I was contemplating what to do – I hated gym because it was monotonous, disliked walking in ‘trafficky’ Bangalore – I fell upon a TV ad about Zumba Fitness. So I looked it up and found a handful of instructors in the country. Long story short, I got hooked to this form of dance fitness and eventually became an instructor myself! I was one of the first few in the country to get certified. It’s been 10 years and counting. I’m not yet ready to stop.
Here’s where I’m leading you with my story. I would love for more women to get fit, to think about their health seriously, stop worrying about everything else on earth and start thinking about themselves for a change. It is not selfish. Rather, a continuous dependence on doctors and drugs for illnesses that could have been avoided is a drain on the peace and finances of the family. There is nothing wrong with prioritizing yourself. How do you make time? Sit down and think of pockets of time you’re wasting doing unwanted things – chatting on the phone, chastising the maid, chasing your kids around the house (I don’t know what else!). Put those minutes together and find a 30 minute slot that you can use for yourself. Now, find some form of exercise you like – walking, jogging, aerobics, Bollywood classes, badminton, swimming. Get started. When you like what you do for fitness, you will stick to it longer! I love dancing, I love music and Zumba Fitness was my solution. So find your groove and get moving! Set achievable goals. Losing 15 kilos in 3 months maybe far-fetched for some of us but if you make it 2 kilos in a month, it may look and seem more achievable.
If you aren’t sure as to whether it is scriptural to love and take care of yourself, reflect on Jesus’ words, “you shall love your neighbour as you love yourself.” (Mk 12:31) It follows that to be able to properly love our family and neighbour, we need to learn to love and take care of ourselves. Our being isn’t composed of separate facets of body, mind and spirit; each independent and self-reliant. They are all integrated into the wonderful person that God has created us to be. So, illness or health in one facet affects the other.
And in closing, let me share another little snippet of information. I hope it reaffirms that fact that God wants us to look after ourselves. Just a few months after I started Zumba session, my husband and I went for a retreat where we met a nun, who had the gift of knowledge. So we went to her for prayer and she had a clear message for me. Among other things she told us, she looked me in the eye and said, “God wants you to exercise. Don’t stop.” I was startled and amazed that the God of the Universe and our Lord Jesus Christ would have such a direct word of reaffirmation for me, for a decision I had already logically made. It was a point blank shot! So there you have it. Prioritize yourself. You are important. God loves you and wants to see you at your best! Get started, get moving and stay happy!
If you need any help or advice on how to get started, get in touch via email and I will see what I can do!
Jennifer Pinto is a freelance corporate trainer, trained counsellor & Zumba Fitness Instructor. She can be contacted at