A New Vision for Christianity: Embracing Love, Spiritual Dynamism, and Liberative Action

By Acharyasri –

‘Kingdom of God’ was the vision and mission of Lord Jesus Christ. The term ‘Kingdom of God’ appears more than 100 times in the Gospels. It’s an all-encompassing vision of a transformed world rooted in divine love. As modern Christians, we are called to rediscover and breathe new life into this transformative vision.

Christianity as a Loving Presence

At the heart of the Christian faith is the profound truth that “God is love” (1 John 4:8, 16). Our primary calling is to be authentic witnesses to the eternal, forgiving, and merciful love of God, made manifest through the living Spirit of the crucified and risen Christ. As Christians, we must first reflect the Christ-like qualities of love, forgiveness, and reconciliation in our own lives.

Christianity as a Dynamic Process

Jesus declared, “I am the vine, and you are the branches. Whoever remains in me, and I in him, will bear much fruit; for you can do nothing without me” (John 15:5). Christianity is not a static creed, but a lifelong spiritual journey of deepening our relationship with the living Lord. Our personal encounter with Christ is just the beginning of a pilgrimage of faith and adventure. We are all Christians in the making, constantly striving to become more Christ-like.

Christianity as a Liberative Movement

When we pray “May your Kingdom come. May your will be done on earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10), we are called to work towards the realization of God’s Kingdom on earth. This encompasses the economic, social, political, religious, educational, cultural, medical, technological, and ecological dimensions of life. Through “liberative movements” rooted in spirituality, we must strive to transform every sphere of human existence.

This three-fold vision of Christianity – as a loving presence, a dynamic process, and a liberative movement – should empower us to become courageous builders of a new world of love, unity, peace, and joy. Guided by the wisdom and power of the Holy Spirit, we must collaborate with all people of goodwill from every religious tradition to establish the Kingdom of God on earth.

For Christians in India, this interreligious mission is a divine call and mandate. The very survival and flourishing of this multi-religious nation depends on the courage and creativity with which we, the disciples of Christ, respond to this transformative vision of the new millennium.

Acharyasri (Swami Sachidananda Bharathi) is a former atheist Indian Air Force Squadron Leader turned ardent disciple of Lord Jesus Christ. He is a keen promoter of an Indian Face of the Christian Faith without religious conversion and cultural alienation. Acharyasri is the founder of five Ashrams, two Missions, two Trusts, a Socio-Spiritual Organization and an Open Consecrated Society. He has authored more than 20 books and had represented India in the ‘Millennium World Peace Summit of Religious and Spiritual Leaders’ organised by the United Nations at New York in August 2000.


  1. Very relevant way of being present in India today. Thanks Acharya

  2. Swami Sachitananda Bhartiji is a beacon of hope for the church , who follows the spirit amidst the institutionalised church today where very few have the purity of heart, mind intention or even time to listen and act according to the voice of the spirit. The apostolates undertaken today by the top church hierarchy is weighed in terms of financial profit or loss statement and the voice of the spirit is either ignored or suppressed.Those who voice discontentment and put forward their call and their manner to serve the church are either silenced or dismissed from the diocese or religious orders.I am no one to judge the church hierarchy but write this to appeal that diverse views be listened to and accommodated. Swamiji shows the universality of discipleship in Christ Jesus.

  3. Swamiji is a beacon of hope in the institutionalised church today.

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