Accept What We Are and Goodness in Others

By John Desing csc –

Readings: Dan 7:9-10, 13-14; Jn 1:47-51

Most probably, Nathanael heard about the Messianic Prophesy of Daniel about the glorious coming of the Son of God who would reign over Israel with kingly power and honour. Hence, when Nathanael had a counter experience of the knowledge of Jesus who knew the past (under the fig tree), present (here comes an Israelite with no deception) and the future (you will see greater things than this), he immediately believed that Jesus is the King. This episode reveals to us the wisdom of God; that he knows us inside out. Nothing is hidden from the eyes of God.

The kind of relationship we have with God and fellow human beings is purely based on how transparent and honest we are. Therefore, counter-transparency should be the key for all relationships. Why do people keep secrets? Because they fear being rejected if others come to know their true colour. The fact is that multiple colours makes a beautiful rainbow. We just need to accept who we are and appreciate the goodness of others.

As the saying goes, “Do good but don’t waste time to prove that.” We are imperfect yet our destination is perfect just as the heavenly Father. Each one of us is a potential angel or saint entrusted with the responsibility of being faithful stewards of God just as the angels do. The angels Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael played their role in the salvation history, so we too must play our role in the ongoing salvation process. Therefore, as we implore for angel’s guidance in our lives, may our kindness, love, and helpfulness become God’s angels to those around us.