Acts of Kindness, Service, Reflects Our Faith

Eedara Vamshi csc –

Readings: 2Tim 4:10-17b; Lk 10:1-9

As we celebrate the feast of St. Luke, we are reminded of the significant role he played as both a close companion of St. Paul and a dedicated evangelist. In the first reading, St. Paul expresses his gratitude for Luke, who remained faithfully by his side during difficult times, while others had abandoned him.

This speaks to Luke’s loyalty, steadfastness, and commitment to the mission of spreading the gospel, even when the path was challenging. In the gospel, we hear about Jesus sending out seventy-two disciples to preach and heal in his name, a mission of service and evangelization. Tradition once held that Luke was among this group, highlighting his deep involvement in the work of the early Church.

His gospel writings, which emphasize Jesus’ compassion for the poor, the marginalized, and the sick, reflect the heart of his mission. Just as Luke was called to accompany Paul and share the message of Christ, we too are invited to play a role in spreading the gospel in our own lives. Whether through acts of kindness, service, or sharing our faith, we can be instruments of God’s love, guided by the example of St. Luke.

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