Allow the Holy Spirit to Move in Us

By Ruwnglal Friny Peter csc –

Readings: Rev 5:1-10; Lk 19:41-44

Almost everyone sheds tears for something significant in life; it could be tears of happiness or sorrow. Nevertheless, today we are reminded of the hard- hearted lifestyle of people which brought tears in the eyes of Jesus in the Gospel.

Interestingly we do find the author of Revelation shedding tears for there was none worthy to open the book and read. Similarly, in our life too, we might be a cause for someone’s shedding tears, cause them to live in pain and sadness intentionally or unintentionally.

Henceforth, today you and I are invited to value and respect the tears of our loved ones. It also requires of us to be sensitive to the feelings and experiences of others as Jesus Christ did in his lifetime and even today.

Thereby, let us introspect as to how worthy we are to open the book and break its seals, to bring hope to people living in helplessness and anxiety. If we find ourselves unworthy let us open ourselves to the movement of the Holy Spirit to be a little more kind, loving, and to a change of heart towards better living together and peaceful co-existence in our everyday life.