Am I Ready to Humble Myself?

By Nibin K Cyriac, CSC –

Readings: Ex 3:13-20; Mt 11:28-30

To humble oneself is a great act to do and at the same time a difficult one.

Today gospel is inviting each one of us to humble ourselves and to surrender all our problems to him. Yoke is used for a pair of animals at the time of work to divide the work equally. And here Jesus is assuring that he would be there beside me in my difficulties and problems. The invitation is to take the first step- the step to go to him and trust him fully. We witness many miracles happening in the life of people.

Personal encounter makes people to come closer to him. Spending time with Jesus is always enriching and nourishing. In this busy world to find time to be with him is difficult. The level of faith, and faith practices are diminishing day by day. We have many other options to solve problems, like counseling, retreats, personal talk etc. but we must realize that they are all instruments or tools to bring us closer to him.

People of Jesus’ time had the burden of law and Jesus came with a different mindset with his own convictions. His teachings were light and easy to understand. He taught through his life. His life was his teachings. By promising “rest” he means the state of being accepted. He knows our limitations and he is ready to accept us as we are. The question remains ‘Am I ready to humble myself and go to him? And do I have the willingness to surrender myself to Jesus?