Ask Jesus for a Greater Awareness

By Richardson P csc –

Readings: Jer 2:1-3, 7-8, 12-13; Mt 13:10-17

Today the liturgy of the word of God invites me to feel proud of the call and privileges that I received from Jesus to listen and live my life faithfully according to his words. In today’s Gospel, we see that Jesus’s disciples asked him, “Why do you speak to the crowds in parables?”

In answer, Jesus replies, ‘you are blessed to have me with you and to you is granted to understand the mysteries of the kingdom, but to them, it is not granted’ (Mt 13:10). Jesus spoke to the crowds in parables, so that it would highlight some of the truths of life and God, and people who missed the obvious would understand the message.

Jesus hoped that his hearers, particularly the unbelievers, would receive the message of the kingdom of God and renew their hearts by reflecting on the images he presented. As a follower of Christ, I reflect upon some of the parables of Jesus, like the parable of the sower, of the mustard seed, of weeds among the wheat, of yeast.

Some questions came to my mind: Am I faithfully living the gift of vocation and am I sincerely giving the message of the parables to the people by an exemplary life? Or am I one of those who looks without seeing or hears without understanding?

Although I have been called by Jesus to understand the mysteries of the kingdom, Jesus challenges me to dig deeper and seek the meaning of his parables in my life. Jesus calls me blessed and happy, for I am a witness of his presence, unlike many prophets and holier persons who were living in expectation.

Jesus offers me the talents to strengthen my faith and nurture my hope to carry his mission joyfully on earth. As I ponder over his words and examine my daily consciousness, I ask Jesus to fill me with a greater awareness of his presence so that I can receive the gifts of love, joy, and peace which he offers me.