Dear Bishops….!
To: Most Rev. Andrews Thazhath, President; to ALL Office-Bearers and ALL Members
The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India (CBCI)
Your Eminences, Your Excellencies, Your Lordships,
Greetings to each one of you!
This letter is being personally addressed to each one of you; my apologies for doing so through one common email! (This is however, an ABRIDGED version of the much longer letter – Full_Text_Fr_Cedric_Prakash SJ)
A little over three years ago, on 12 February 2020, I wrote a letter to all the Bishops of India (THANKS once again to all those who replied to me). (The longer version has parts of the 2020 letter with extracts from the CBCI General Assembly Statements of 2012, 2014, 2016 & 2018).
Today, my dear Cardinals and Bishops: the people of India: the excluded and the exploited, the other marginalized and the minorities, particularly the Christians, cry out to you: they need your prophetic voice, they need you to be visible in taking a stand for truth and justice, in being a true and good Shepherd just like Jesus- ready and willing to lay down one’s life!
What is happening in Manipur, since more than a month now, to the tribals and particularly to the Christians there, is a crime against humanity! The systematic targeting killing of the tribals and Christians, the destruction of Churches and Christian institutions is nothing short of being barbaric; facts and figures speak for themselves. Thousands of people who lived in the hilly areas of Manipur, have fled their homes and lands and taken refuge in temporary shelters. The ethnic cleansing that is currently taking place, in complete connivance with those in power draw a striking parallel to the Gujarat Genocide (when Muslims were the victims) which began in February 2002 and which lasted for several months. The tribals and Christians of Manipur long for a sustainable peace based on their legitimate and just demands. One does not have to be a rocket- scientist to know and understand why this current violence is taking place and who is behind it!
There are several other pre-mediated attacks, the venomous hate speeches and other forms of violence on the Christians of Madhya Pradesh (especially in Sagar and Jabalpur), in Chhattisgarh (on 6 June a newly professed Catholic nun, her mother and others were falsely arrested from a thanksgiving Mass in the Jashpur Diocese, for apparently ‘offending religious sentiments’) and in several other parts of India; all these take place with a frightening regularity. Nothing happens to the perpetrators of these heinous crimes who do so with impunity. There is sufficient evidence, after painstaking research done by completely objective and professional individuals and groups, that the acts of these perpetrators are motivated, given legitimacy and immunity by the most powerful of the land. This is certainly no ‘State Secret’! In several cases, the victims are made the ‘criminals’, have false cases foisted on them and are even incarcerated; examples are plenty.
Besides there are many other instances today of how the pluralistic and democratic fabric of the country is being destroyed; of how the fundamentals of our Constitution (which are also values enshrined in the Gospel of Jesus) are being trampled upon; of anti-people policies and legislation which effectively cater to a small privileged section of society. We are all aware of how the poor and marginalized are denied their legitimate rights; of how the environment and our fragile eco-systems are being pillaged for the profiteering of a few; of how minorities are being denigrated, demonized and being discriminated against. Above all, of how corruption and crony capitalism is throttling the nation. The list is endless indeed!
We humbly have to admit, that despite the Synodal process which is underway, the Church in India is by and large still hierarchical, patriarchal and clerical. Therefore, in view of the above, I am writing this letter with great pain, to you my dear Bishops, to ACT NOW, before it is too late! Certainly, we all must pray and without ceasing; but Jesus also reminds us that “not all who say Lord, Lord….”. We are all intelligent enough to DO what we are expected to do. Unfortunately, your Collective Silence, Screams! Many wonder why! Thankfully, some Bishops, some Catholic religious leaders and also some laity, have shown prophetic courage by taking visible and vocal stands on critical issues including the violence in Manipur! There is no doubt about that: once certainly needs to salute them and particularly for risking their lives in the face of much hostility!
Here are some suggestions (even if they sound preposterous) which may help restore the confidence of the people in the hierarchy, may help in bringing back some peace to the suffering people of Manipur and hopefully, may also address some of the systemic issues which plague the nation:
- Call a Media Conference immediately: this has to be done in the National Capital Delhi and also simultaneously in every State Capital. The Media Conference in the Capital must be addressed by the CBCI Office bearers. The demands should include:
- a) restoration of peace in Manipur immediately;
- b) safe return of all tribals/Christians ousted from their land and homes;
- c) adequate monetary compensation for rebuilding homes, Churches, institutions destroyed;
- d) book and punish all responsible for the violence (even if they have powerful connections)
- As many as possible of you (even 100!) Cardinals/Archbishops/Bishops go to Manipur – for at least two days before 25 June. Invite Christian Leaders of other denominations to join you. Stay in the midst of those who are internally displaced; as Pope Francis constantly reminds us “smell of the sheep”; after all, Jesus was born in a stable and died on the cross. Your presence in the midst of the suffering people will send a strong message to all
- Organise a National Protest Day in this month of June– to highlight what is happening to the minorities, the Adivasis, the Dalits and the other vulnerable groups of the country. Have a huge gathering in a public maidan in New Delhi – with as many Bishops as possible and people coming from all over the country. Request other civil society groups. /Movements to join in; On this National Protest Day – let there also be public protests in all Dioceses of the country.
- Demand the immediate removal of Priyank Kanoongo, the President of the National Commission for the Rights of the Child, for targeting Christian institutions and making fabricated and unsubstantiated allegations against Christian personnel
Dear Bishops, it is important that you act now with decisiveness and with cohesiveness; it will go a long way in addressing some of the critical issues of today! Hobnobbing with those who rule us today, may bring ‘some token and temporary promises’; but in the long-run however, there will be serious repercussions and irretrievable damage done both to the Church and to the secular, democratic character of our country! Please do not be fooled! (The longer version has quotes from Pope Francis’ ‘Evangelii Gaudium’ and ‘Fratelli Tutti’ which asks her to be engaged in the grim realities of today and when needed to raise prophetic voices) The directions from the Holy Father are clear… why do we fight shy of ensuring their implementation? There is much more to be written but I will stop here, once again making that plea which I made at the beginning: dear Bishops, please be Shepherds responding to the cries of the suffering people now. We all need to be reminded of those immortal words of German Pastor Martin Niemoller, “Then they came for me, and there was no one left, to speak out for me!” Speak out now collectively and individually; speak out strongly for our suffering sisters and brothers!
Assuring you of my prayers for you, dear Bishops, I crave your blessings and prayers. I also look forward to your response to this letter. Thanks, in anticipation! Yours in Him,
Fr. Cedric Prakash SJ 9 June 2023
Fr. Cedric Prakash SJ is a human rights, reconciliation and peace activist/writer
Fr Cedric Prakash sj is correct in calling out the CBCI, the Shepherds, to come out to support and fight for their sheep without any delay.
It should be now, otherwise it won’t be any more.
We are to serve and not, to be served.
I like your comments. We must all join in bringing back the sheep to their
lost homes carefully with God leading us from front, back and sides. Victory will be ours because God is victorious always and never fails. Lets all call on God pray and march forward
Time for unity, Time to speak up, Time to fight for the right, if not now then never,
We pray to Almighty, to guide the CBCI, in taking up the issue. Fr. Cedric’s plea is the cry of us people who feel the pain of being trespassed in our own motherland.
Perfectly said. We all Christians should stand united n fight for our rights as Indian citizens. Let us pray n hope that the bishops arise n imitate Jesus n protect their sheep.
John 6:68 KJV
Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life.
Hope and Pray that our sheperds lead the way
John 6:68 KJV
Then Simon Peter answered him,
Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life.
Hope and Pray that our sheperds lead the way …
The sheep without the Shephard chased by wolves….too late will agrevate the situation….Act now or be ready….you are not safe either..
Well said Father, its now or never……before 2024…..otherwise it will be too late.
Thanks, fr. Cedric, for awakening call to the Shepherds, a well detailed letter which speaks a lot. We all join our hands to bring peace and justice to all citizens of India. God bless you fr. Cedric.
As suggested by Fr.Cedric. there must be a press conference with the media both local and international invited to share the plight of the Christians in India as all the world sees is peace and tranquility of the people living here and the well orchestrated local media shows no evil.
I appreciate Fr. Cedric’s initiatives on social justice a lot and we also have so many Priests, Nuns and Lay people like him ever enthusiastic on bringing Faith in action – the Justice.
It’s very late that the present Government – it’s party and it’s ideological body (RSS) have very cunningly drafted, planned and; executed that ‘No Voice will be heard for Justice or against the Injustice.
Judges, NGOs, Corporates, Politicians, Opposition Parties – are either threatened or bribed that they are all numb land; no thumbs up for the Justice!
In case our bishops need to step in, kindly don’t forget what had happened in Tuticorin Diocese where the whole diocese was against the Nuclear Plant! Targeted!
There’s a way to team up with the like-minded judges, elders, etc who had written an open letters or filed a case in the court and need to the following:
Awareness in the society about the Constitution
Identification of areas of injustices and exploring the legal support in the court for Justice
There are many ways to go for a real Democracy and Justice to be prevailing in our Indian Society.
My simple observation on what needs to be done than what we are doing in many cases today
Thank you Fr Cedric for being the voice of conscience to all of us, in particular the leaders of our Church. There are many of us who stand with you and who share your pain at being part of a Church that denies it’s very mission and calling!
There are none so blind as those who refuse to see, so deaf as those who refuse to hear, so mute as those who refuse to speak out on behalf of the voiceless!
As you so rightly highlighted the CBCI over the years has come up with statements and documents stating their commitment to challenge unjust systems that deny people their dignity and rights, put in place structures and mechanisms within itself to respond to such violations, all to ensure that Christ is witnessed and present in our times. Sadly these statements and policies have stayed at being words… words often not reaching the majority of the faithful – and I include clergy, religious sisters and brothers and the laity; words the writers themselves seem to have an amnesia about.
There are burning issues in our country at the moment: the Manipur crisis as you pointed out is urgently calling for presence and voice of compassion and healing for the people suffering and a voice demanding that the situation be addressed immediately.
I’d like to draw attention to the issue of violence against women in society and the Church. It is commendable that the CRI and other groups stated their support for the wrestlers. However, the SILENCE of the Church Leadership on this issue and that of abuse within the Church, as you said – SCREAMS.
I add my prayers to yours Fr Cedric and add a prayer that the Spirit of Sophia – Wisdom touches the hearts of our leadership. The majority of the faithful rarely go where the Shepherds do not lead them…May we see that our collective silence and our absence in the arenas of pain and suffering of any of God’s children is a denial of Christ and our mission. May we get the grace to be the voice and the presence of the Divine whatever be the cost is my earnest prayer.
The time has come for us to become the Crusades of the church, because if not now, then never. Prayers are a must, but when it comes to massacre then the crusaders will be in the front.
A much needed letter and a big eye opener to all Lay Christians to know the true nature of hierarchy. High time everyone from the Nuncio, Cardinal, Bishops, Christian leaders of various denominations and rest lay people march onwards with their banner of social justice and human rights. It is indeed now or never needed.
Fr. Cedric,
I read your OPEN LETTER to the CBCI as a call, not so much for confrontation, but as a call for CHRISTfrontation! Yes, to DO WHAT WE NEED TO DO, WITH CHRIST, IN CHRIST, FOR CHRIST!
For this we PRAY.
Dear fr Cedric Thank you for being our spokesperson to the CBCI expressing our sentiments so clearly, concretely.We stand united with you, a call to all Christian brothers and sisters to raise our voice unitedly against this injustice.