Bangalore: The Archdiocese of Bangalore, along with the Salesians of Don Bosco of the Bangalore Province and the Archdiocesan CRI, will celebrate a Thanksgiving Holy Mass on Thursday, 14th September, 2017 at 5.00 p.m. St. Francis Xavier’s Cathedral, to thank God for the Release of Fr. TomUzhunnalil, SDB, and also to pray for all those who were instrumental for his release, a note from the Bangalore Archbishop office said.
As the Karnataka Region Catholic Bishops’ Meeting is in Session at present, the Bishops of Karnataka and the Secretaries of the Regional Commissions will also take part in this Thanksgiving Holy Mass,

Archbishop of Bangalore Dr Bernard Moras said, “We are indeed very happy to know about the safe release of Rev. Fr. Tom Uzhunnalil, SDB, on 12th September, 2017. As you are well aware, he was abducted on March 4, 2016 from an old people’s home in Yemen by a group of armed militants. He was under their custody for one year, six months and eight days. And we, in the Archdiocese, have been offering special prayers and celebrating Holy Masses for his safe release and return.”
“The Archdiocese of Bangalore will participate in the joy of his family members and his Salesian fraternity of Bangalore Province, and also join them in thanking God for his release. At this moment, we are also grateful to all those who took initiative and played an active role in Fr. Tom’s release,” the Archbishop added.
The Archbishop has also requested the Parish Priests, Superiors of the Religious Communities and Heads of the Institutions and exhorted them to participate in large numbers.