Gilderious Khonglah csc –
Readings: Ex 24:3-8; Jn 11:19-27
Today we celebrate a family of Bethany which was so dear to Jesus. In his family, Jesus experienced the family spirit and genuine friendship through Martha, Mary, and Lazarus. Martha generously offered him hospitality, Mary listened attentively to his words and Lazarus came out of the tomb at his command. Today’s Gospel passage reveals our Lord’s love for these three and their reciprocating affection and fidelity. Martha represents active life. Being an outgoing person, she was closely associated with Jesus and had the courage to let the society know of her devotion to Jesus. She was a woman of action, energy, and initiative.
Mary also had a commendable character; she represents contemplative life. Her love and devotion were deep that nothing else mattered excep sitting at the feet of Jesus listening to him. She had the real spiritual hunger for the Word of God.
The incident of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead reminds us of our own resurrection. When Jesus calls out, we cannot remain in the tomb. No power can hold us back. Our own obedient response to the call of Jesus enables us to experience liberation. May the generosity of Martha, attentive listening of Mary and obedience of Lazarus influence our lives to be the authentic disciples of Jesus.