Be Generous and Compassionate Towards Others

Davit Nongrum csc –

Readings: Ezek 34:1-11; Mt 20:1-6a

The first reading of the day speaks about the failure of the leaders of Israel, who neglected their duties as shepherds to care for their people. They exploited and used them for their own benefit. They failed to strengthen the weak, heal the sick, bind up the injured, and seek out the lost. Despite these situations, God assured that he would come to search for and seek them all.

This reading reminds us of Church’s understanding of the role of leaders, who are called to serve selflessly and prioritize the well-being of those they lead, as exemplified by Christ, the Good Shepherd (John 10:11). The reading invites us to examine ourselves regarding how we treat others, especially those under our authority. Do we serve them selflessly, or do we focus only on our own benefits?

The gospel reading speaks about the mercy and grace of the Lord towards his people. God’s grace and mercy are not earned but are given freely and equally to all who go to him. As illustrated in the parable, all the workers were hired at different times and hours, but in the end, they received the same amount.

This reading reflects the Church’s teaching on the universality of God’s grace, which is available to all people regardless of their status or past (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1996-1998). Thus, we are invited to be generous and compassionate towards others, just as our Heavenly Father is generous and compassionate to us.