Be Like a Child Who is Humble and Ready to Listen

Preet Anupam Beck csc –

Readings: Ezek 2:8-3:4; Mt 18:1-5, 10, 12

14 Today’s readings encourage me to keep the word of God in my heart like a child and proclaim it to others.

In the first reading, the prophet Ezekiel is given the scroll of the Word of God to eat. The word of God was as sweet as honey in his mouth, and he proclaimed it to the people of Israel. I often face the temptation to correct and criticize others to prove my worthiness and authority. The first reading challenges me to fill my mouth with the sweetness of the word of God and share it with others. It reminds me to cultivate a taste for the Word of God in my life.

The Gospel reading invites me to be like a child who is humble and ready to listen to the Word of God. In obedience, the invitation is to put my trust in God with total surrender, to have the attitude of doing good and avoiding evil, and to obey my caretakers and those who guide me spiritually as they represent God. In love, the invitation is to delight in the presence of God, who always gives me joy and contentment. As a youth, I am encouraged by both readings to proclaim the message to others as a child would do to a friend.