By Fr. Adolf Washington
Bengaluru: Archbishop Rev. Justin Welby, the spiritual head of the Anglican Church, was felicitated at a public program at Bishop Cotton Boy’s School in Bengaluru in the southern state of India – Karnataka, on 3rd September evening.
Rev. Justin Welby is on a pastoral visit across India. Bengaluru Archbishop Rev. Dr Peter Machado, a special invitee and guest of honour, while greeting Rev Welby said, “Christians may be a minority in this country but the majority still look up to us and need us for the service we render through our missions”. There was a spontaneous round of applause. The prelate continued saying, “There is more common ground we share (Anglican and Roman Catholic Church) than differences.” The Archbishop was referring to the common missions shared share in proclaiming the Word of God, health, education and special missions for the socially ostracized. He acknowledged the close association the two denominations share with each other.
`Conveying the love of Catholics in the Bengaluru Archdiocese, Archbishop Peter Machado greeted the Archbishop of Canterbury with a bouquet, garland and draped him with a silk shawl.
Earlier in the program, Archbishop Peter Machado was felicitated by the Karnataka Central Diocese (CSI).
Archbishop Justin Welby in his key-note address said he was, “Delighted to be here and I am going back challenged.” He added, “The missionaries who have toiled hard and with great zeal, have left behind legacies of faith — both through their preaching and through missionary activities.” He made special mention of the Jesuits.
Archbishop Welby warmly stated that how “touched and moved” he was in the Vatican when Pope Francis knelt down and kissed the feet of political leaders of Sudan asking them to make peace with each other. “I saw the tears in their eyes,” he added.
“God’s timing is not ours,” Archbishop Welby said adding, “God works in and through us even in difficult times when we choose to be united always with the body of Christ. The Holy Spirit works in ways we cannot imagine when we resign to the will of God in all that we do.”
The program was attended by several Bishops of the Anglican Church, officials of the Karnataka Central Diocese, pastors and laity. The public reception was hosted by Bishop Rev Bishop Prasana Kumar Samuel of Church of South India, Bangalore.
The program concluded with a prayer and benediction followed by the National Anthem.
Suswagatham – Wishing Archbishop Reverend Justin Welby a fine stay in India.