22.03.2025 Message of the Holy Father to participants in the Jubilee pilgrimage of the Archdiocese of Naples and other dioceses (22 March 2025)
19.03.2025 Catechesis prepared by the Holy Father for the General Audience of 19 March 2025 - Cycle of Catechesis - Jubilee 2025. Jesus Christ our Hope. I. The Infancy of Jesus. 9.
05.03.2025 Catechesis prepared by the Holy Father for the General Audience of 5 March 2025 - Cycle of Catechesis - Jubilee 2025. Jesus Christ our Hope. I. The Infancy of Jesus. 8. "Son, why have you done this to us?" (Lk 2:49). The finding of Jesus in the Temple
05.03.2025 Message of the Holy Father, read by Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin, to participants in the pilgrimage of the Movement for Life [8 March 2025] (5 March 2025)