Bengaluru: The second edition of Salvation Run, a faith-based run initiative, conceptualized to unite Christian believers from across all denominations will be flagged off at 6:30 am by the Archbishop of Bangalore, Most Rev Dr Bernard Moras, along with church heads from the Christian community and eminent personalities on Saturday 24th March 2018 at St Francis Xavier’s Cathedral Church (Frazer town).
The Salvation Run (5k Run and 3K Walk) is organized by New Life Sports and Fitness Academy, promoted under the leadership of All Karnataka United Christian Forum for Human Rights.
Also read:
Salvation Run is Back, This Time on March 24!
This unique initiative marks the Holy Week leading towards Crucifixion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, thereby bringing salvation to the world. Salvation Run (5k Run & 3K Walk), will be an inter-church sporting initiative empowering lives through the sport of running, disciplining oneself with a strong gospel foundation, healthy lifestyle and a purposeful living.
Sports occupies a legitimate place in the created world and thus helps express emotions, integrity, character and values by taking ownership to understand and respect one another. The focus is on developing the welfare and eco system of the society further laying stress on health and wellness, thereby promoting a sporting culture bringing hope among children, youth and the community at large.
The Holy Week marks its origin in a divinely-given impulse to play and deserves a rightful place in Christian living. The run has been the brainchild of Elvis Joseph, a former state athlete and sports management professional, who initiated the first Christian run bringing leaders from across all churches and denominations. The initiative found resonance to endorse and engage in a faith-motivated sports and healthy lifestyle, creating a thrill of competition, a sense of community and fellowship that comes from participation.

Elvis firmly believes that, “This is the need of the hour for Christian believers to learn how to achieve their highest potential in all areas of life with consistency of practice in faith and obedience through mentoring by the Word of God. The purpose of Salvation Run focuses on promoting and educating to endure good health, and to “Run the Race Set before us”. I also believe there is a purpose behind everything, and the creation of the human body is no different. Thus regular exercise, proper diet, getting enough rest and appropriate social activities will benefit physically mentally and spiritually.”
Run Details:
Date: Saturday 24th March 2018
Venue: St Francis Xavier’s Cathedral Church (Frazer town)
Time: 6:30 am Flag off
Expected Participation: 1500
For More Details Contact
Elvis Joseph I Race Director I 9902247755 I Email: I
Pericho Prabhu I 9741210101