Guwahati: The North East India Regional Bishop’s Council (NERBC) on Friday released a book titled, ‘Attempt the Impossible’ by Archbishop Emeritus Thomas Menamparambil SDB at the Archbishop’s house, Guwahati.
Archbishop John Moolachira, the Archbishop of Guwahati and the president of NEIRBC presided over the function with Fr. Mathew Anchukandam the VG of the Archdiocese of Guwahati with Sr. Escociana Vaz MSMHC, the secretary of CRI region of North East India.
In his address, Archbishop John Moolachira commented, ‘The book is an ideal tool to live religious life, to undertake evangelization and is presented in simple but with convincing specifics.”
In his welcome address, NEIRBC’s Deputy Secretary Fr. G P Amalraj said, “Archbishop Emeritus Thomas Menamparampil’s passion for culture, ethnicity, history, and anthropology are well known, I can vouch for the love he has for the people and the region of NE India from the beginning of his priestly ministry as he was my professor. Later when he became my Bishop in the diocese of Dibrugarh, I was privileged to be his secretary before and after my ordination. During those days, his journeys were characterized by the saying “Nothing is Impossible”. He would have a morning programme in Phillobari, would arrive by lunchtime, and then would leave for Lacitgaon bordering Nagaland for the evening programme. He is certainly a visionary and an intellectual. The book is the wisdom of Archbishop Thomas.”
Fr. Saji SSPS speaking on behalf of St. Paul’s congregation and Better Yourself Book opined that the book was not just a book for reading but lived wisdom motivated by the passion for Christ and humanity.
Sr. Philomina Mathew MSMHC, mother general of the MSMHC congregation, speaking on behalf of the women religious of NE India said, “All of us have been fortunate to be in proximity with the spiritual persona of Archbishop Thomas Menamparampil. We have been greatly influenced by his genius, practical wisdom, historical perception, cultural insights, evangelizing and peace initiatives, and his bold stand against anything that tears apart the social fabric of our country. His writings reflect his deep understanding of the region’s cultural values and ethnic diversity. A deep compassion and gentleness reminiscence of Jesus in His public ministry runs through the writings of Archbishop Thomas.”
Fr. Walter Fernadez SJ, the director of NESRC spoke on the outstanding ability of Archbishop Thomas in combining social realities with deep spiritual depth.

Presenting the book ‘Attempt The Impossible’ By Archbishop Emeritus Thomas Menamparampil, SDB, Fr Thomas Manjaly said, “It is a great honour to introduce the monumental work, He has dominated the Christian presence in the literary horizon of Northeast India dotting it with a wide variety of topics ranging from spiritual and theological issues to cultural, socio-political and economic concerns. I had the privilege of going through every article in the three massive volumes – 237 articles (72+91+74). Among them, 45 articles that are of relevance are selected. They not only represent sound Catholic tradition but also show openness to new insights and ideas. A healthy critical approach is visible. The book demonstrates the time-tested missionary and pastoral methods and practices that are valid; they should not remain fossilized as remnants of a glorious past.”
Fr Thomas continued, “The variety of themes takes the reader to a wider world of ideas, and broader understanding of mission, the central focus keeps them close to the person and message of Jesus Christ, and ways of making him known more clearly and loved more dearly, following him more closely and of proclaiming him more passionately. Archbishop’s contagious passion for Christ is visible on every page of his writings. Sacred Scripture and the Documents of the Church are not used as mere sources to be quoted to justify and explain a particular point of view; but employing a creative mind, they are made to come alive through meaningful interpretation and relevant application.”
“Thus the book provides a methodology for reading and creatively interpreting our Sources. To you, dear Archbishop Thomas, we say, “‘A Heart-felt Big Thank you’” for being a source of inspiration, encouragement and support, and wish that God bless you with health and strength of body, alertness of mind, and freshness of spirit so that more inspiring, life-giving and enriching wisdom will emerge in course of time. I invite all who seek truth, genuine knowledge, and constructive ideas to a well-laid out banquet with rich variety: ‘Take and eat” (Rev 10:8; cf. Ezek 2:8-10),”’ he added.
The book is a challenge to the Church workers “to retain their intellectual interest right into their later life. That will make them respected is society and their work effective and fruitful. Missionaries and other committed Church workers must share their vision, working styles, and orientations. It is a moment collective self-criticism to which this book is inviting all Believers, about work, limitations, shortcomings, strategies, ultimate goals.” Archbishop Thomas has done just that. The result is the present monumental work. It is his ‘missionary heart’ that prompted him to undertake this demanding work, to present Jesus’ message, to a grief-stricken and seemingly helpless world. He keeps on telling that ‘God still loves and cares for His people and His creation.
The event came to end by a vote of thanks proposed by Fr. John Paul from Archbishops House Guwahati.