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Bring Glory to God Through Our Lives

By David Peter, CSC –

Readings: Acts 1:15-17, 20-26; Jn 15:9-17

“You did not choose me, but I chose you”. The readings of the day invite us to reflect on the message that God has chosen each one of us to bear witness to love.

Today’s first reading tells us how St Matthias was chosen. Matthias accompanied Jesus and the Apostles from the time of Lord’s baptism to his ascension. And when the apostles require replacement of Judas, they prayed and cast lots between Matthias and Joseph. Matthias was chosen by the Lord to be the apostle. Hence the readings invite us to be true Christians, chosen by the Father in baptism to bear true witness and inherit the nature of the apostles.

Gospel reading is a call to love and abide in Jesus as he was with his Father in heaven. For us Abide in Jesus means to have constant relationship with Jesus. We as human beings will find it difficult to be in touch with Jesus constantly unless we deliberately take the steps to be with him. The significant words in this gospel passage are the words of Jesus, “you did not choose me, but I chose you”.

It is always the same. It is not we who chose God but it is God who chose us and called us out of his grace and love. The gospel gives as the reason for which we are chosen. We are chosen for joy, because we are redeemed by Christ from sinfulness to forgiveness and sorrow to joy. We are chosen for love; we are called to be with Jesus and sent out into the world to love one another as Jesus loved us. We are chosen to be friends of Jesus because Jesus himself called us as his friends and lived with us.

Dear believers in Risen Lord, let us accept that we are Christians chosen to be joyful, to love one another, and be friends in bearing witness and bringing greater glory to God’s name throughout our lives, and to be in constant communion with God.