Build a Foundation of Faith, Like Peter

Pritam Dangwar csc –

Readings: Jer 31: 31-34; Mt 16: 13-15

In the first reading, God speaks through Jeremiah, promising a new covenant with his people. Unlike the old covenant, which was broken due to disobedience, this new covenant will be written on their hearts. God’s mercy shines through as he declares that he will forgive their sins and remember them no more. This passage reminds us of God’s transformative power of love and grace. He doesn’t just change our circumstances or situations; he transforms our hearts to draw us closer to him. With Jesus Christ, this new covenant is fulfilled, and through the Holy Spirit, God’s law is inscribed on our hearts. Let us embrace this new covenant written by the Spirit and live by God’s love and grace.

In the gospel reading, Jesus asks his disciples, “Who do people say I am?” They share various opinions, but Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, declares, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” For his faith and confession, Jesus blesses Peter and promises to build his church on this rock of faith.

Jesus also warns his disciples about the cost of following him, emphasizing that we must deny ourselves and take up our daily crosses. This passage invites each of us to reflect on who Jesus Christ is to us personally. Like Peter, may we build a foundation of faith that cannot be shaken and be ready to take up our daily crosses and follow him.