Build Christ-Values in You

By Amala William csc –

Readings: Is 48:17-19; Mt 11: 16-19

From the book of Isaiah, the Lord speaks to us about the importance of listening to him. The prophet lists out the benefits of obeying and paying attention to his instructions, which multiplies the blessings for them and their descendants.

In the gospel, we have a crowd which is prejudiced and acts with immaturity. Jesus pointed them out and told them about their stand on John the Baptist and himself. They found fault with both of them for doing, and not doing, what they did. Jesus was clear about the entrusted mission of the Father; it was not for him to be on the side of a renowned ones in society or to go with a majoritarian mindset. He always discerned and discovered wisdom from the almighty.

Therefore, no affirmation or appreciation was needed to justify his acts. His mission was to shake the powerful and uplift the oppressed in society. During his time, it was evident that he was not hesitant to befriend the tax collectors and sinners. from the readings of today, the message is crystal clear to us. If we obey and listen to the instructions of God, we will do what Jesus did in the gospel.

It is easy for us to follow the prejudices of our ancestors or of the stereotypical statements of the world and act without having the wisdom of God, for which we may be applauded. But does it have Christvalue? The impression of good that we get from worldly wisdom need not be God’s wisdom. Let us heed the wisdom of God and articulate it in our daily lives.