Carry on With Your Work Without Any Pride

Shanborlang Mawrie csc –

Readings: Heb 2:14-18; Mk 1:29-39

Today Jesus reminds us of the importance of prayer. We may question why Jesus who is God needed to pray? Did he really need to pray? Did he run out of power and strength that he needed to pray? No. Jesus wanted to teach us a simple lesson, which each one needs to learn and practice in our life.

We need to withdraw ourselves from the hectic activities and spend some time practically conversing with God. At the end of each day, we must say ‘oh I need some time to talk and listen to God, to examine myself, and to share with God our Father what I have done and failed to do and also to listen to his voice speaking to me in my heart. This will help me to remember that God is the source of everything and every good gifts come from him.’ If we give time to be with him like Jesus, we can carry on our works without any pride.

As Fr. Moreau says, “We turn to him in prayer that he will clasp us more firmly to himself and use our hands and wits to do the work that only he can do.” He is eagerly waiting for us. Jesus himself prayed while he was in this world, why not we, who are in constant need of our Heavenly Father?