Verghese V Joseph –
Bengaluru: The Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops, His Eminence Mario Cardinal Grech, highlighted how clericalism in the church was impeding the overarching participation of the lay faithful. The Papal representative was speaking on day two of the ongoing 35th General Body Meeting of the Catholic Bishops Conference of India (CBCI) in Bengaluru on Tuesday.

In his keynote address on ‘The Call to be a Synodal Church,’ Cardinal Grech highlighted the aspect of the church being clerical-centred and that the lay faithful were either left out or given less importance. The session was moderated by Bishop Johua Mar Ignathios, Vice-President of the CBCI. His Eminence explained very clearly the purpose of the Synod and the mind of the Holy Father Pope Francis who had initiated the whole synodal consultation process. The Cardinal stressed that the desire of the Holy Father was to promote an ecclesial spirit where everyone participates and owns responsibility in continuing the mission of Jesus Christ. Even though such involvement of the laity was presently existing, their active participation was not encouraged much. His Eminence said that over 1000 Syntheses were received from all over the world and, in which, the people expressed their opinion that the church was still clerical-centred.
His Eminence stated that the synodal consultation process has galvanized the church and promoted spiritual communion that was dwelt at length in the synodal working document.
Cardinal Grech also highlighted the ‘Synodality’ from theological, ecclesial, biblical and pastoral dimensions and its implications and challenges under the prevalent circumstances. He congratulated the bishops for the initiative they took in organizing diocesan, regional and national synodal processes, and preparing practical Synodal Syntheses.
The Papal representative also said that there was a need to overcome mutual distrust coming from all sides. “When we are on a journey, we must help each other to reach our destination and destiny. The Church is nothing but people on a journey towards His Kingdom and in this journey, no one prevents other from doing his own for the good of all,” he added.
Cardinal Grech minced no words when he said, “No Bishop should consider the Synodal Consultation Process a burden”. After his presentation, a few Bishops clarified some of their doubts as to how they can give more freedom to the laity and at the same time continue to retain their pastoral authority. Some Bishops wanted to know how to sustain and promote the spirit of Synodality in the present context.
The day also saw the coming together of the three sui juris Catholic churches of India expressing that the synodal process was an inclusive opportunity for the laity’s participation.
The first session of the day saw the three representatives, from the three sui juris churches, namely, Fr. Sebastian Chalakal (Syro-Malabar)), Fr. Yesu Karunanidhi (Latin Chruch), and Fr. John Kuttiyil (Syro-Malankara) present the consolidated reports of their respective Church’s Synodal Synthesis.
The session was moderated by Most. Rev. Antony Pappusamy, Archbishop of Madurai. In general, all the members made the observations that the people were pleased that the synodal process gave them an opportunity to express their opinions. All groups such as priests, religious, lay faithful, children, youth, women, religious, migrants, non-Catholics, the divorcees, the LGBTs, transgenders, practicing and non-practicing Christians, the divorcees, atheists, people of other faiths etc., felt that they were included in the synodal consultation process.
Report Presentation
Rev. Fr. Raju Alex A.E., the Secretary of the CCI, presented the report of Catholic Council of India (CCI). The report contained every activity undertaken by the CCI in the last year. The Catholic Council of India is a body of the laity. The office bearers for CCI are elected from different regional laity commissions across India.

Rev. Sr. Elsa Mattathu, PBVM, the National Secretary of Catholic Religious of India (CRI) presented the CRI Report. The CRI is a national body that concerns with the Catholic Religious in India.
Group Discussions & Workshop
Bishops were drafted into mixed and region-wise groups to discuss various matters concerning the church in India and also their respective regions.
Blessing and Opening of New Hospital Block
Amidst a busy schedule of the five-day CBCI General Body Meeting at St. John’s, about 200 Indian Bishops took time to participate in the inauguration of two newly-built 700 bed emergency and accident care block (approximately 3 lakh Sq.ft. space) at St. John’s National Academy of Health Sciences. With this, the bedding capacity of the Hospital is increased to 2000.
CBCI President, His Eminence Oswald Cardinal Gracias, blessed and unveiled the plaque declaring it open for the general public. It was indeed a great moment in the annals of the history of St. John’s Medical College Hospital. With the addition of this new block, the hospital is better equipped to further its health care services to the patients, especially the economically poor of our society.

Besides His Eminence Oswald Cardinal Gracias, His Eminence Mario Cardinal Grech, Secretary General – Synod of Bishops; His Excellency Archbishop Leopoldo Girelli, Apostolic Nuncio to India and Nepal; His Eminence Filipe Cardinal Neri Ferrão, Archbishop of Goa and Daman; His Eminence Anthony Cardinal Poola, Archbishop of Hyderabad; and Rev. Fr. Paul Paranthazham, Director of St. John’s Hospital were present.
Very nice coverage but there is a slight mistake didn’t add Cardinal to Archbishop of Goa