Celebrating 50 Years of Priesthood: Do You Wish to Give Pope Francis a Gift?

Pope Francis is always asking us to pray for him and for the Church. He will be celebrating his 50 years of priesthood on the December 13th this year. For this unique occasion, Hozana, a non-profit Catholic organization that helps to develop and promote a platform for communities of prayer around the world has decided to give our Holy Father a very original gift: 11 days of prayer, especially for him. An enormous card will be given to him personally listing all of the people who will pray for him during this time.

From the 1st to the 3rd of December, Thomas, the founder of Hozana will be participating in the Voyage of the Common Good, a 3-day trip in Rome with 300 entrepreneurs and committed leaders for the benefit of 3 associations in France. They will be having a private audience with Our Holy Father on December 2nd.

How to sign up?

Sign our giant Best Wishes Card for Pope Francis’ fifty years of priesthood and service for the Church! All you have to do is join this community of prayer. This prayer community exists in 4 languages as we hope to unite thousands of people in prayer and give him the longest list of names as possible! 10,000 first names is the equivalent of a card containing 25 pages. Would you like to offer a beautiful gift to our Holy Father? Sign up right now!

The program:

11 days of prayer for the Pope!

Once you sign up, you will receive each day, from December 3rd to December 13th:
• A short biography of our Holy Father
• An excerpt of one of his speeches that is especially significant during his pontificate
• A prayer intention for our Holy Father or and/or for the Church.

Hozana allows you to create or join an array of communities of prayer that connect you with the heart of God. The idea of this Christian website and App is to create a space to help people to pray better, every day. To date, Hozana has gathered more than 300,000 active members worldwide.

To continue this mission, ICM needs your support. 

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