Celebrating 90 Years of Compassion: The Handmaids of Christ Inspire Hope and Renewal in Goa

Verghese V Joseph & Br. Malvino Alfonso OCD,

Pictures by Sunita Barretto HC

Calangute: The Congregation of the Handmaids of Christ marked a significant milestone on September 19, 2024, as it celebrated its 90th Foundation Day at the Mother House in Calangute, Goa. This event was presided over by Bishop Simião P. Fernandes, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Goa and Daman, who led the Eucharistic celebration alongside notable clergy, including Fr. Nazareth Fernandes SFX, Superior General of the Society of Pilar, and Fr. Polly Lobo, Parish Priest of St. Alex Church.

During the mass, Bishop Simião delivered a heartfelt homily that encouraged attendees to reflect on the blessings bestowed upon the Congregation throughout its history. He introduced the theme of the “Three R’s”—Recount, Renew, and Revisit—as a framework for understanding their journey. He urged the faithful to Recount the blessings received from God and acknowledge the contributions of key figures in the Congregation’s growth, particularly Monsignor Herculano Gonsalves, its founder.

Focusing on Renew, the Bishop called for a revitalization of vision and mindset within the Congregation, emphasizing the importance of adapting to contemporary challenges while remaining true to their mission. The final R, Revisit, invited members to reflect on their past and look forward with hope towards future endeavors.

Bishop Simião highlighted that Monsignor Gonsalves’ vision aligns with the upcoming Ordinary Jubilee Year 2025. He emphasized a call to action for congregants to reach out to marginalized groups such as the lonely, sick, poor, youth, elderly, and those on society’s peripheries. His remarks underscored a commitment to serving those in need, echoing Gonsalves’ foundational mission.

In her address, Sr. Faria Barretto HC, Mother General of the Congregation, expressed profound gratitude for God’s guidance throughout their journey. She articulated that their celebration is not merely a reflection on past achievements but also a commitment to a hopeful and compassionate future. “We remain steadfast in our mission,” she stated, reaffirming their dedication to embodying Christ’s love and serving as a beacon of hope.

Moreover, Sr. Barretto shared a collective aspiration among the sisters for Monsignor Gonsalves to be officially recognized as a saint—a testament to his enduring influence and legacy within the Church.

The event was enriched by various cultural performances including liturgical singing led by Herculano Choir and a musical operetta portraying Monsignor Gonsalves’ life presented by children from St. Alex Orphanage. The congregation also took this occasion to felicitate Bishop Simião Fernandes for his recent Episcopal Ordination and appointment as Auxiliary Bishop. This warm gesture included gifts such as a shawl presented by Sr. Barretto and a flower vase from Sr. Rosy Dias HC.

The program was anchored by Sr. Justina Vaz HC and featured prayer dances performed by novices and formees of the Congregation. As part of the celebrations, attendees enjoyed a cake-cutting ceremony marking this momentous occasion.

Monsignor Herculano Gonsalves founded the Congregation in 1934 with a vision centered on Christ-like compassion towards the poor and marginalized—particularly children and women in distress. The Congregation was officially established canonically on September 24, 1949, which coincides with its 75th anniversary this year.

Today, the Handmaids of Christ comprises 137 professed members and four formees across 21 communities within Goa and 11 additional communities beyond its borders. Their ongoing mission continues to reflect Gonsalves’ dedication to uplifting those in need through education, healthcare, and social services.

The 90th Foundation Day celebration not only honored past achievements but also served as an inspiring call for renewal and commitment among members of the Congregation of Handmaids of Christ. With its rich heritage rooted in service and compassion, the Congregation looks forward to continuing its impactful mission in alignment with modern needs while remaining steadfast in its core values established by its founder.

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