The laws of nature are immutable, neglecting which may result in the destruction of the nations and extinction of its civilization. Soft spirituality in search for temporary solutions and satisfaction will only aggravate the situation. Rather than looking towards institutionalized religious cults and rituals, superstitious belief systems, and sadhus and god-men for mental satisfaction, world governance has to listen more attentively to hydrologists, geologists, urban planners, World Health Organization, ecological economists and true spiritual masters.
It is socially unjust to neglect the natural water system, land and the forestry, zoological balance and bio-ethics, and it is ecologically imprudent to keep people distant from the origin of the resources for sustainable use. Today, the inevitability of total respect and sustenance of the natural world through eco-spirituality as a way of life, is obvious.
Post pandemic Christians have to practice a spirituality that makes sense and not continue with liturgical, noisy, ritualistic prayers, based on demonstrative, collective popular devotions.
It is necessary and urgent to have a spiritual paradigm shift in the Church and re-imagine the sacramental, pastoral, and liturgical theologies and communal practices. This too applies to the familial, social, political, and international relations realms too. The clergy has to stop preaching and start listening! They should search together with the people the meaning of ´praying in spirit and truth´, for the worshippers must “worship in the Spirit and in truth.” (John 4,24). This search is for innovative ways to keep the people optimistic, hope-filled and trusting in the Divine Providence.
Characteristics of Ecological Spirituality
Presently, spirituality at the popular level has become managerial, a set of techniques rather than a search for holism and wholeness. Sadly, it has turned to be a caricature of conformity, (e.g. International Yoga Day) rather than a spiritual exercise against spiritualism. A cultural renaissance is needed through a strong eco-spirituality. A bio-ethical spirituality would be a response to the denial of alternatives, plurality, or the sense of the complexity of the natural world.
Pseudo-spiritualism has taken over the pseudo-secularism of the past. (cf. Shiv Visvanathan, Thinking differently, The Telegraph, 19 Jul 2019, p. 13).The real challenge today is the search for alternative spiritual and plural worlds. The economic models and policies show little sense of ecology. The bio-diversity both at global and regional levels need to play with a sense of pluralism. This will allow a range of possibilities to combine the ecological and spiritual worlds.
A planetary spirituality, challenging the limits of the existing global paradigm, makes nature a part of the preoccupation with the political and ethical living. Consequently, ecology, ethics and culture together will create resistance to the destructive models and policies, by even making science more ethical. Going beyond the passive fixity, an eco-spirituality becomes open to new ideas, new possibilities with alternatives through an act of trusteeship.
Within an unprecedented pandemic situation of helplessness, we look towards a new pattern of living in harmony with all the rest – animate and inanimate – while discerning a true way of living. While knowing what factors that led to such an alarming defenseless reality of unwanted death – a universal possibility – we need to decide upon what and how we deal with the rest of the nature.
In the present condition of defenselessness, that essentially relates to human life in its relationship with nature, we need to put things and life in order, based on an eco-spirituality, where the creative manifestation of the creator is respected and lived with, fully in unison, keeping everything connected as eternally planned. Humanity cannot put asunder the balances put between things and living beings.
Selfishness, greed and exploitation of nature have to be shown the door. We have to take care of our ‘common home’ overcoming the harm that we have done to nature. We need to reconcile with the Creator, other human, the nature and the society at large. Through a total conversion, an eco-spirituality that speaks the voice of nature and its signs, here and now, has to be a part and parcel of our life. This will be the only saving paradigm shift in the world ahead.
Fr. Soroj Mullick, SDB is a Salesian priest from the Kolkata Province. He has a Licentiate in Catechetics and a Doctorate (Christian Education) from UPS, Italy. He has number of years of teaching experience in college and in the formation of future priests. Besides, he has written number of research papers and articles, and has 25 years of Ministry in India and abroad as Educator, Formator, Retreat Preacher, Editor and engaged in School, Parish Catechetical & Youth Ministry. He is now an assistant priest in Bandel Basilica, rendering pastoral and catechetical ministry to the parishioners and to the pilgrims. He can be contacted at sorojmullick@gmail.com.