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Detachment From Material Goods Teaches us True Discernment

Wantei Warlaitthma csc –

Readings: Prov 30: 5-9; Lk 9: 1-6

The readings from Proverbs and Luke remind us of the challenges of living in this world while growing closer to God. Proverbs says, “Give me neither poverty nor riches, but provide me only with the food I need.” This verse reflects a desire for balance and dependence on God, acknowledging that both wealth and poverty can lead us away from him. Today, some people live comfortably with plenty of material possessions like food, houses, clothing, and cars. For others, obtaining even the basic necessities can be difficult, if not impossible. We live in a world filled with abundance, but we often forget the simplicity of life that Jesus encouraged.

Jesus sent His disciples out on their mission with minimal provisions, instructing them to take nothing for the journey except a staff—no bread, no bag, no money. This was a lesson in trusting God to provide for their needs and a call to detach from worldly possessions. This detachment is not easy, but it is possible. Material items should not be our ultimate goal; rather, we should aim to live simply and focus on what truly matters.

The psalmist reminds us that by following the Lord’s commands, we gain wisdom and discernment. Jesus’ instruction to his disciples to detach from material goods teaches us that true discernment and faith are achieved through simplicity of heart and reliance on God.

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