Do Not be Afraid

Gilderious Khonglah csc –

Readings: Hos 14:1-9; Mt 10:16-23

I wonder why Jesus tells us about everything that is to come. Is it to instil fear in us, or does he want us to think wisely before acting? Today’s gospel sends us fearlessly into the harvest, with Jesus’ words giving us confidence to face this challenging task “as sheep among wolves.”

As St. Teresa of Ávila once said, “Let nothing perturb you, nothing frightens you. All things pass. God does not change. Patience achieves everything.” We need not fear, for we go forth as sheep among wolves, expecting challenges and rejection, just as Jesus faced. They may not embrace us or appreciate our efforts, so we must be mindful of our words and actions. As St. Francis of Assisi advised, “Preach the Gospel at all times, and when necessary, use words.” Jesus doesn’t ask us to avoid working with them because they are hostile.

Instead, he cautions us to be careful. As we step into our mission, we should not fear resistance from government or family due to our faith. St. John Paul II reassured us, “Do not be afraid. Do not be satisfied with mediocrity. Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.” Jesus promises to acknowledge us before our Father.

Imagine hearing Jesus declare on the final day that he knows us, and we belong to him. Conversely, imagine the heartbreak of hearing him say he does not know us, and we do not belong to him. Let us fear God, who has the power to destroy both soul and body, as St. Benedict advises, “Listen carefully, my child, to your master’s precepts, and incline the ear of your heart.”