Do Not Give Up But Keep Trying

By Preet Anupam Beck csc –

Readings: Jas 1:19- 27; Mk 8: 22- 26

We all like people who are action oriented, or at least we admire them.

The first reading encourages us to be doers of the word and not just hearers only. Our love and compassion should not be constrained within us but should be articulated through our actions.

In the gospel, we find some anonymous people who brought a blind man to Jesus and begged to touch him. The love and compassion they had made them do that. Afterwards Jesus spat and laid his hands on the blind man to heal him. Here Jesus also showed his love and compassion through his touch and action.

Firstly, I am touched by the actions of the people who brought the blind man. In my life, I am also surrounded by such good people who time and again remind me of God’s love through their kind gestures and services towards me. They take care of me when I am sick, brighten my day with their laughter and fun when I am down. I feel fortunate to have such people around me.

Secondly, today’s gospel is the only place where Jesus performs his miracle in two stages. When I apply it to my life, I feel encouraged to persevere in my actions to make them perfect.

The failures and discouragement will come when I try to do something new, but I should not give up but keep trying. So, both the readings invite me to be a man of action after Jesus Christ by hearing his word and doing what pleases him.