Embrace Mercy and Compassion

Thamwar Monsang csc –

Readings: Is 38: 1-8, 21-22, 7-8; Mt 12: 1-8

“I desire mercy and not sacrifice,” emphasizes Jesus, prioritizing compassion over ritual. As Pope Francis notes, “A little bit of mercy makes the world less cold and more just.” Hunger is essential to life, fulfilled through food that nourishes us. Satisfying hunger is a work of mercy that promotes life. In defending his disciples, Jesus highlights that humanitarian needs and acts of mercy must take precedence over the Sabbath. The purpose of the law is to promote life.

However, for the Pharisees, strict observance of the Mosaic Law and tradition was more important than responding to the needs of others. Jesus teaches the true meaning of being a Christian: to value mercy above sacrifice. Jesus, unafraid of tradition, shows that where he advances, darkness retreats.

Therefore, we must embrace mercy and compassion, avoid judgment, and pray for understanding to observe laws as means to protect and promote life, not as ends in themselves.