Embrace the Kingdom of God in Our Lives

Thamajoy Reang csc –

Readings: Nah 2: 1, 3, 3: 1 – 3, 6 – 7; Mt 16: 24 – 28

In today’s first reading, we see the prophet Nahum expressing his trust and belief in the Lord, asserting that no matter the power and might of the opposition, God is always at work. God is restoring the vineyard of Jacob and the vineyard of the people of Israel. We are convinced that if God can work for the people of Israel in the face of such adversity, He can also work for us, but only if we hold on to him, trusting and believing in his power and might. God does not stand on the side of the proud, but with those who obey and follow his words and deeds.

In the Gospel, Jesus promises eternal life to those who are willing to renounce the material world of greed and embrace the Kingdom of God. He makes a strong statement that anyone who wants to be his disciple must deny themselves, take up their cross, and follow him. Often, we fear losing our positions, wealth, and occupations. We are also afraid of losing our friends, family members, and loved ones.

However, today, Jesus calls us to leave all earthly concerns behind and follow him with the conviction that in him, we find new life in heaven. We are invited to embrace the Kingdom of God in our lives by denying ourselves and taking up our daily cross. What virtue is needed to follow Christ? Pope Francis said, “To follow Jesus requires the courage to leave behind the sins that are holding us back.”