By Louis Rodrigues –
Belegavi: Solemnity, fasting, penance and prayers marked Good Friday, the day of Jesus Christ’s death on the Cross, all across India. Under the prevailing critical circumstances in view of the Covid-19 crisis and adhering to the guidelines of the authorities, Christians all across the dioceses of India offered prayers by remaining at home. The day commenced the traditional way of the cross prayers that were offered from homes.

While His Eminence, Oswald Cardinal Gracias, Archbishop of Bombay conducted the service in Mumbai in an empty chapel; Archbishop Anil Couto of Delhi, Archbishop Thomas D’Souza Kolkata, and Archbishop of Bengaluru Rev Dr Peter Machado live streamed their services in their respective dioceses. That apart, other parishes too across the nation made arrangements to stream the services live. Earlier, the Passion of Our Lord was presided over by the Cardinal in Mumbai.

Bishop Rev Dr Derek Fernandes who is heading the diocese of Belagavi and Karwar offered prayers from bishop’s house. Like in other parishes across the country, prayers were live streamed for the convenience of the people across other dioceses. Apart from offering special prayers for the corona virus victims, special prayers were also offered for the government officials, police, doctors and nurses who are rendering yeoman humanitarian service. The priests belonging to different churches in the diocese also offered Good Friday prayers privately.

In his Good Friday message in Mumbai, Cardinal Gracias drew parallels of Corona pandemic with the suffering of Jesus. He gave hope to the faithful that goodness will triumph over difficulties.

Bishop Fernandes asserted upon Christ’s love for humanity. “All his life Christ preached love. Even when people hated him he showed his love towards them. He preached saying love your neighbour as you love yourselves and do good to others as you would expect what others would like to do for you. Love your enemies do good to them. Never return evil for evil, but do good even whether you receive good or evil,” he urged.
Describing the meaning of Good Friday he said that scared of the authority of Jesus which he was establishing among people, the authorities then put a plot to kill him. In this manner Jesus was crucified on the cross on Good Friday. The hatred for Jesus was so much that he was crucified between two thieves.
“However, Jesus brought salvation to whole mankind and opened the doors to heaven. Good Friday is a very important day for the Christians,” he said. Giving explanation on why the day of crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ is called Good Friday and not bad Friday, he said by dying on the Cross Jesus gave an opportunity to the people to go back to God, as Jesus opened the doors to heaven by dying on the cross, hence Christians call it a Good Friday.
“This is not a feast but it is the day of fasting and prayers so we acknowledge the sacrifice made by Christ for all of us to bring us salvation,” Bishop Fernandes ascertained adding that this Good Friday special prayers have been prescribed to pray for the people who are suffering from the corona virus, the prayers that are offered by the church across the globe, he said.
“I call upon all people to have a kind corner in your hearts for the people who are suffering. Extend your help to all, especially to the government servants who have been doing yeoman service from getting the people solace from this corona virus,” Bishop Fernandes ascertained.