Focus on Your Relationship With God

Davit Nongrum csc –

Readings: Eph 2:1-10; Lk 12:13-21

The first reading of the day speaks of God’s love and grace in our lives. Reflecting on this, I am reminded that I was once spiritually dead, living according to my own desires and influenced by the temptations of the world. Despite my sinfulness, God poured out his love and mercy, giving me new life through Jesus Christ.

This reminds me that living my new life in Christ is not just about receiving his grace, but also about reflecting his love and goodness in how I live. As the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC 1996) teaches, “Our justification comes from the grace of God,” a gift we are called to respond to by living a life of holiness. The gospel reading of the day powerfully reminds us of the dangers of greed and the fleeting nature of material wealth. The parable illustrates how easy it is to become consumed by the desire for more—whether money, possessions, or status. The man in the parable believed his abundance would bring him security, but he failed to recognize the fragility of life.

The Church teaches in Gaudium et Spes (69) that earthly goods are meant for all, and excessive accumulation can lead to spiritual impoverishment. This is an invitation for me to focus on my relationship with God, cultivating spiritual richness rather than accumulating earthly goods. The parable challenges me to live with a deeper awareness of eternity, prioritizing what truly matters: faith, love, and generosity toward others, rather than the temporary satisfaction of material possessions.

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