Follow Him Wherever He Leads Us

Akshi Wary csc –

Readings: Zech 8:20-23; Lk 9: 51-56

In today’s Gospel we see Jesus setting his face towards Jerusalem, knowing that his suffering and death await him there. He sends messengers ahead of him to a Samaritan village, but the Samaritans refuse to welcome him. When James and John see this, they ask Jesus if they should call down fire from heaven to destroy the Samaritans. But Jesus rebukes them, saying that he did not come to destroy but to save life.

Through this Jesus wants us to learn the importance of being faithful even when it means facing rejection and opposition. Jesus was not disturbed, and these rejection and opposition were not able to divert the mission and focus of Jesus. It also reminds us that Jesus is a God of love and mercy who does not want to destroy life but restore all equally for the kingdom. It teaches us that we should not be quick to judge and condemn others.

James and John were quick in judging, but Jesus told them that he came to save, serve and to forgive those who do wrong. Therefore, this passage invites us to be like Jesus and follow him wherever he leads us, even when it is difficult. It challenges us to be a people of love and mercy, even to those who reject us.