Free Will to Choose Good or Bad

By Praveen Bandula, CSC —

Readings: Deut 10:12-22; Mt 17: 22-27

Is our life free, with lots of rules and restrictions in the society? It seems to be very confusing. When we have so many rules and regulations in life, how can our life be free? Even the Son of Man has to obey the laws of the land.

Though he is from God and he is God, Jesus never went against any rule that set society in order. He stood against the law which was set against the God’s will and human freedom. When the tax collectors asked Peter about temple tax, whether Jesus pays the tax or not, Jesus could have easily disobeyed them because he is the living temple of the Lord. Jesus knows that we all are bound to obey the rule for the common good.

In the first reading we read about the essence of the law. God asked Israelites to obey his commandments for their own well-being. There is no partiality in God’s love, he treats everyone equally. But the rulers on earth set rules for everyone except for themselves. Our God allowed his Son to go through all the human experiences like love, joy, happiness, compassion, pain and sorrow etc… God treated his Son one with us on his earthly life. That’s why we read Jesus also payed the temple tax.

The readings of the day are reminding us to keep all our trust in God the Father and obey his commandments so that we may live in love and freedom. He has given us a free will to choose good or bad. Let us use our freedom to obey him, and live in freedom.