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Freewill Versus Freedom in the 21st Century

Peter Abreo –

CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, is home to the largest machine in the world, conducting complex scientific experiments to provide insights into the fundamental building blocks of our universe. Housing 17000 scientists from 70 countries, costing $5.5 billion a year to operate and spread across a 27 kilometer long tunnel, the particle accelerator’s purpose is exactly what its name suggests; it accelerates protons and other subatomic particles at the speed of light, making them collide with each other to discover what is popularly being referred to as the God particle.

Largest particle collider at CERN and Dance of two galaxies – James Webb Telescope

Rewind to the creation of our Universe, estimated to be 13.73 billion years old, it is believed to have taken many thousand years for electrons to be trapped in orbits around nuclei, forming the first atoms in existence. The larger than life image of human existence under an arena of planets and stars, the Sun and Moon suspended in space, the magnificence of the aurora borealis, the mysterious black holes…………………..have all have been projected into our spectrum, by what we firmly believe as the intentional works of God.

The wonder of life as we experience today, the scent of roses, the break of dawn, the whisper of wind, unearthing of diamonds, honey from bees, water from rivers, fruit from trees, the magic of monsoons and the seasons of experience, deemed accidental by skeptics and commercialized by market dynamics, have been delivered to us free on a divine platter, to fill the souls and stimulate the minds of humanity. The expression of intent behind nature’s unconditional gifts, mesmerising beauty and infinite goodness will continue to remain a mystery, despite eons of scientific experiments, research and academic knowledge.

Advancement in science, especially in the areas of artificial intelligence, super computers, smart phones, weaponry, space travel, special economic zones, fashion and the internet, is highly commendable. But in a world rippled with growing waves of depression, disease, disaster, destruction and desolation, it might be worthwhile for us to think through our present lives and the future, from a religious and spiritual perspective.

Newspaper headlines in July 2024

Science vs spirituality, artificial vs natural, mechanistic vs biological, profit centered vs holistic growth, war vs peace, individual vs collective, complex vs simple…………….the polarized framework of choice haunts most of us. Does a framework exist to guide us? Where do we go for counsel? Is there a middle path to explore? Can a machine discover a God particle?

Here are some thoughts for us to reflect on:

Algorithms and us

An algorithm is defined as set of commands that must be followed when solving a problem or generating an outcome. Like recipes; the choice of ingredients, the cooking time, type of cookware…………..and importantly the love and passion of its creator, determines the experience of those at the other end of the recipe. The joy of a mother seeing her children relish a homemade meal, while staying healthy, is immeasurable.

In the spectrum of science, the intention and ingredients behind a creation and its potential outcome is of absolute importance. A simple thumb rule, of building a product, project or service, is to consider the greater good of its users. The choice is within us as producers or consumers.

Contrary to this belief however, most politicians, industrialists, technocrats, lawyers, medical practioners, bankers and power brokers look at short cuts to success, fill their pockets rather than their souls and misuse the divine power bestowed upon them when they came into this world.

Without passing the hot potato however to others, we must understand that the power to take the stairway to heaven or the abyss towards hell, bring light to the world or burn it down and spread joy rather than sadness, wrests within us. Our very own Divine algorithm!

In the Bible, Isaiah Chapter 45, Verse 7-8 says, “I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things. Drop down, ye heavens, from above, and let the skies pour down righteousness: let the earth open and let them bring forth salvation, and let righteousness spring up together; I the LORD have created it”.

Computers take commands from algorithms, humans have Commandments

It’s always difficult to forget what our parents drilled down into us; you are what you eat or treat your brain like a garden and you reap what you sow. We all know the dark side of technology, but regrettably fail to realise that there lies a deep chasm between the gates of the internet and gates of heaven. We are witness everyday to the dark side of technology and its harmful effects on society.

Thanks heavens, we have the Ten Commandments for us to restrain and restrict our moral choices and behaviour. A simple rule of not coveting our neighbours wives or goods has a broader meaning for individuals, companies, institutions and countries. But are we conscious about these choices in the careers we choose, the decisions we take, the words we use and the actions we pursue.

The ancient Egyptians lived life according to the 42 laws of Ma’at which have the same ingredients as our commandments.

Artificial Intelligence versus Supreme Intelligence

With the onset of modern technological applications that seeming make our work easier and faster, many of us are probably at crossroads as how we can adopt these technologies for our homework, research, creativity, decision making and more.

Artificial intelligence (AI) technology allows computers and machines to simulate or mimic human intelligence and problem-solving tasks. While a doctor can use AI and advanced technology for diagnosis, research and analysis, the human touch of a doctor is irreplaceable. The healing touch of a conscious doctor and his/her empathy towards their patients will have no computer equal.

But what good is the consciousness of our doctors, if the patient doesn’t have the same faith and belief system. It takes two to tango right, and how often have we heard the common phrase, ‘Sparks fly when you two get together’.

In our everyday lives, we all experience the creation of sparks, when two or more like-minded, harmonic forces interact with each other. Friends, families, couples, communities and organisations produce positive outcomes when there is union in the fields they exist in.

The uniqueness of the human being lies in our divine DNA, our undying spirit, our empathy towards each other, our conscience, our feeling of pain, our vivid dreams…………….all extensions of the works the supreme intelligence of God.

Stab a computer in the back and you get a blunt knife, stab a human and you get blood on your hands and an everlasting feeling of guilt!

The small six inch screen vs God’s infinite canvas

The golden ratio is a mathematical connection between two aspects of an object. The number keeps the universe from colliding into black holes, allows trees to grow without obstruction, keeps the human body in balance, defines natural patterns, is the phenomena behind the connection between wind and waves……the list is endless.

It offers an intrinsic and foundational perspective to musicians, artists, architects, agriculturists, storytellers, designers and every one of us, and for everything we do.

The harmonious framework of the Golden Ratio broadens our perspective towards an inclusive and selfless mode of existence, unfolding for us our relation to the larger universe, micro & macro organisms, earth and heaven, physical and metaphysical or just entropy and syntropy.

It expands our frame of thought, from the mechanical and almost robotic interaction with a small six inch screen, to a more original, natural and enlightening exchange with the canvas of God’s wondrous creation.

In recent times certain industrialists and technocrats have been advocating an 18 hour work day for their workers. Would we want our loved ones to engage with their phones and laptops or have spirited conversations at the dining table, do we want to be trapped under the scrutiny of the internet or released into the beauty of nature, do we want to feel depressive by the problems of the world or expressive with the divine gifts of God.

Freedom versus Freewill

Fr. Sean O’laoire, who runs a spiritual community in America, has an easy way of understanding the difference between freedom and freewill. He says, “There is an important difference between free will – the ability to do as I please – and freedom – the ability to do as pleases God. Free will is a faculty that can be used for good or bad, for building or destroying. Freedom, on the other hand, is always good because it is the essence of the soul and the object of God’s kingdom.”

The words, “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven”, has a strong and meaningful message to us on our choices between freewill and freedom.

Every choice we make – in thought, word and deed – will have corresponding outcomes. A pause before harsh words, a meaningful thought or mindful action, can define the impact on people, places and planets around us.

It’s time to put the ‘we’ before the ‘I’, the soul and spirit in the body, the human before machine, light over darkness, faith over fear and freedom over free will.

“It’s no longer I that liveth, but Christ that liveth in me”

Peter Abreo currently works on habitat restoration and conservation projects around the Eastern Himalayas. He recently quit a three decade corporate career to pursue his interests in writing, music and spending time with nature. He can be reached at [email protected]