By Nibin K Cyriac, CSC –
Readings: Deut 4:1, 5-9; Mt 5:17-19
Laws and rules bring order to the life of a person. Everything in the world continues to exist based on laws. Nature and animals depend on the natural law. As human beings, we have the ability to rationalize. This ability can make us more systematic and lead a meaningful life.
This rationality can also make our life complicated, more complex. Jesus lived the life of a simple person. He knew that he was the son of God and could go beyond human reasoning. He was not limited. But he humbled himself. He taught others by his actions. He taught people not only through mere words but through his very life.
We are also called to remember the rules and basics we received from our parents, parish priest, elders etc. in the form of a ‘seed’: – the seeds of faith. We need to nurture those seeds so that our faith may grow in abundance. Let our life produce seeds of faith for the coming generation.
Let us remember all those who taught us basic catechism. Let us hold on to the faith and convictions and say strongly that God is our saviour. May we proclaim our faith like Thomas the apostle who said “My Lord and My God” and become limitless. Our reason must lead us to realize and gain confidence in our faith and those rules become like fire which will purify ‘the Gold of Faith’.