Give Jesus a Place in Our Lives

By Vijith Joncy Mathias, CSC –

Readings: Ex 1:8-14,22; Mt 10:34-11:1

In the first reading we see how the Egyptians persecuted others. Even though Jews were persecuted their number was growing high. Here we can see how God works even in the persecution.

So, this reading invites us to have trust in God and believe in God and see how he works wonders in our life. Even though we are facing difficulties we need to be grateful to God for whatever happens in our life because there is a reason for a particular act to happen in our life. Through this we are able to give glory to God in our life. We see in the first reading that though the people suffered their number was increasing and it didn’t decrease.

In the Gospel reading we can see how Jesus speaks of peace and sword. If we are giving anything to the little ones the blessings are sure for us. Jesus says what we do to others will be done to us. Here we need to see how Jesus loves his people. Jesus’ message of peace is for the people who are working for the others. If we are worried about ourselves thinking what will happen to me or what will I do, how will I become rich, the peace which Jesus gives will not have place in our life. The worldly things which are considered more important takes the place of Jesus and we will lose Jesus from our life.