Panjim: Archbishop Filipe Neri Cardinal Ferrão, Archbishop of Goa and Daman, out of his deep concern for the worthy celebration of the Sacred Liturgy in the diocese, had constituted a Committee for Formation in Liturgical Music in 2018, under the leadership of Fr. Romeo Monteiro, Chancellor of the Archdiocese in order to give the faithful formation in Liturgical Music. Other members of the Committee consist of Fr. Seby Vaz, Fr. Mathew Rebello, Fr. Simon D’Cunha, Fr. Joaquim Loiola Pereira, Ms. Preethi Coutinho & Ms. Rhea Dias.
Music forms an important and indispensable part of the Liturgy and those involved in this apostolate of music need to be given this catechesis.
Since 2018 this Committee, has been organising courses in different deaneries. Deaneries of Margão, Aldona, Chinchinim, Benaulim, Verna, Old Goa, Canancona and Quepem were covered before the pandemic struck Goa.

The course consists of 4 days, each day having 5 hours of study. The participants were given sessions on Catholic faith, Ecclesiology, Liturgy in general, Liturgy of the Mass, Sacraments, Singing of Psalms, Use of Instruments in Liturgy, Techniques of Singing, Active Participation in Liturgy, Gregorian Chant, the Role of the Choir, etc. by qualified resource personnel. Those who completed all the sessions successfully were given diplomas at the end of the course.
During the last pastoral year ( 2022-2023), course which was organised at Guardian Angel Church, Sanvordem for the parishioners of Sanguem deanery, 43 Parishioners from the parishes of Collem, Dabal, Rivona, Sanguem, Sanvordem and Vaddem participated. Fr. Vital Miranda, the Dean of Sanguem deanery organised this course.
Fr. Rolland Lin Fernandes, Dean of Pernem deanery organised a course for the Parishioners of Pernem Deanery at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, Arambol where in 22 parishioners from the parishes of Arambol, Mandrem, Tormas, Maina-Corgão and Tuem completed the course.
A course which was held at St. Anthony’s Church, Siolim for the parishioners of Siolim Deanery, organised by Fr. Peter Simon Mascarenhas, the Dean of Siolim deanery. 27 Parishioners from the parishes of Anjuna, Vagator, Camurlim, Tropa, Siolim and Oxel completed the course.
Fr. Kennet Teles, dean of Mormugão deanery along with Fr. Peter Britto, Assistant to the Parish Priest organised a course at Our Lady of Health Church, Sancoale. 38 Parishioners from the parishes of Chicalim, Vasco da Gama, Cortalim, Sancoale and Bogmalo completed the course.