Goa: Seminar on Inter-Religious Dialogue Draws Over 120 Participants to Foster Harmony

Pillar (Goa): A formative seminar titled “Basics of Inter-Religious Dialogue” took place on August 25, 2024, at the Pilar Pilgrim Centre in Goa. Jointly organized by the Apostolate of Inter-Religious Dialogue and Sadbhav, the seminar attracted over 120 participants from 52 parishes and 2 chapels, aiming to enhance inter-religious harmony within the Archdiocese of Goa and Daman.

The event commenced with a prayer service led by Mariano Valadares, a member of the Apostolate. Marcellus Fernandes, an executive member of Sadbhav, welcomed attendees and emphasized the seminar’s objective: to instill and nurture the values of inter-religious dialogue. He highlighted the importance of creativity in fostering goodwill and harmony among diverse communities.

Fr. Elvis Fernandes, convenor of Sadbhav, delivered the first session, focusing on the essentials of inter-religious dialogue, including its purpose and the necessary dispositions for effective engagement. He also addressed common obstacles faced in such dialogues.

Fr. Agnelo Pinheiro then discussed the “Creed, Code, and Cult” of India’s major religions, stressing the importance of understanding one’s dialogue partner. He provided insights into the fundamental beliefs of Hinduism and Islam.

Further presentations were made by Fr. Diogo D’souza and Fr. Heston Ferrao, who discussed the Biblical foundations and Church teachings on inter-religious dialogue, emphasizing the universality of God’s love and the importance of recognizing goodness in all individuals.

After lunch, Fr. Ramiro Luis facilitated a group discussion, allowing participants to engage in dialogue about various challenges related to inter-faith communication and the promotion of a peaceful, united society. This was followed by a question-and-answer session addressing these challenges.

The seminar concluded with a Eucharistic celebration presided over by Fr. Kennet Teles, the Episcopal Vicar of South Goa. Fr. Noel Da Costa delivered the homily, and Fr. Heston Ferrao offered a vote of thanks, while the entire program was compered by Alisha Da Cunha.

This seminar not only aimed to educate participants on the importance of inter-religious dialogue but also sought to inspire actionable steps towards fostering a culture of peace and understanding among different faiths in the region.

One comment

  1. All priest speakers. What about the laity that is constantly in the forefront of the dialogue of life?
    What about interfaith marriages that are in constant state of dialogue? Was this covered?

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