John M. Alfonso OCD & Pics by Joseph Fernandes –
Sancoale: Catholics across Goa undertook a walking pilgrimage (Bhavarthachi Yatra) during the wee hours to Sancoale Old Church on the First Sunday of the Lent on 26th February 2023.
St. Joseph Vaz wrote a letter of bondage at this old Church of Sancoale on 5th August 1677. Five venues across Goa were identified — Goa Velha, Mandur, Verna, Cansaulim and Vasco from which the faithful began the walking pilgrimage at 2.00 a.m. They reached the destination – Sancoale Old Church before 4.30 a.m. by covering 10 km. to participate in the Adoration to the Blessed Sacrament and the Eucharistic Celebration.
Archbishop Filipe Neri Cardinal Ferrão presided over the Eucharistic celebrations held at the Old Church Sancoale. Fr. Ligorinho D’Costa, Convenor of the Committee formed for Walking Pilgrimage, Fr. Alfred Vaz, former Convenor of the Committee formed for Walking Pilgrimage, and Fr. Henry Falcao, Director, St. Joseph Vaz Spiritual Renewal Centre, Old Goa.
Fr. Kennet Teles, Parish Priest of Our Lady of Health Church, Sancoale, Fr. Manuel Dias, Rector of the St. Joseph Vaz Sanctuary, Sancoale, Fr. Lucio Dias, Episcopal Vicar for the South Zone, Fr. Simon Diniz, Parish Priest, St. Philip and James Church, Cortalim, Fr. Savio D’souza, Director, Diocesan Youth Centre, Fr. Felix Lobo, Fr. Silvestre D’Souza, OCD, Superior of Carmelite Monastery, Margao Deacon Ashliff Correia, Deacon Prinson Oliveira and 70 priests concelebrated the Mass.
“All followers of Christ need to have the mind and heart of Jesus. One cannot be a Christian, a disciple of Christ with his own mind and heart,” said Fr. Henry Falcao, while delivering a homily at the Eucharistic celebration. Referring to the theme of the Pastoral year, ‘Follow Me’, Father Falcao appealed to the faithful to become fishers of men. “Every Christian through Baptism becomes a fisher of men. We need to cooperate with Jesus, to fulfill his dream through our communion with the Trinity and participation in the mission entrusted to us.” Fr. Falcao said.
“The dream of Jesus is to clothe human beings with Grace. As the apostles left their nets to follow Jesus, we need to leave our nets to become fishers of men. We need to use the nets of love, mercy and forgiveness, given to us by Jesus,” he spoke.
Referring to the holy place of the ruins of the Old Sancoale Church, where the walking pilgrimage is held, Fr. Falcao reminded the faithful of the letter of Bondage to Our Lady written by Our own St. Joseph Vaz, who walked to the places like Sri Lanka to fulfill his dream to proclaim Jesus.
Cardinal Filipe Neri speaking on the occasion appealed to around 18,000 faithful to have renewal in life, strengthen communion with each other and wholeheartedly participate in the mission of Jesus.
Divine Mercy Movement led by Fr. Freddy Lobo conducted adoration to the Blessed Sacrament. Fr. Mansueto Fernandes, Assistant to the Parish Priest of Assolna led the liturgical singing. Fr. Afonso Mendonca, Director of Diocesan Centre for Liturgy, animated the liturgy. Fr. Ligorinho D’Costa, Convenor of the committee formed for Walking Pilgrimage delivered the vote of thanks. Volunteers from Diocesan Youth Centre, Parishes of Loutolim, Mapusa, Paroda, Ambaulim and Sancoale volunteered their services. St. Luke Medical Guild and the Catholic Nurses Guild were of great help.

The walking pilgrimage was organised by the Archdiocese of Goa Daman to understand the salvific value of suffering, to spread the joy of being Christian, to gain God’s grace in our difficulties and also an occasion for personal conversion. It was organised in Sancoale because of the son of the soil (Sancoale) St. Joseph Vaz, during his Spiritual journey in Sri Lanka, he walked sharing the message of Christ to the less fortunate. It was an opportunity given by Archbishop Filipe Neri Cardinal Ferrão, for the church in Goa to walk with Christ, who first walked to the calvary for us.