Goan Seminar Highlights Teaching as a Vocation, Profession and a Mission

Sr. Molly Fernandes SFN –

Just as the plant is taken care as it takes root, such has been the efforts of those in leadership in the field of education to nurture and inspire, to ignite and invigorate, so that every heart gets touched and minds ignited to transform others.

St Joseph Convent High School Nagoa- Verna in Goa is one of the Society Schools of Holy Family Educational Society, Sancoale, that ventured into such endeavour and organized a seminar on 18th June 2022 for the staff members of St. Joseph Convent High School, Nagoa Verna; Holy Family Primary School, Seraulim and St. Joseph Vaz High School, Sancoale at Fr. Faustino De Souza memorial hall, Nagoa Verna, within the premises of St. Joseph’ Convent High School.

The seminar began with moments of prayers led by teacher Rosamaria Rodrigues and the students, through a prayer dance. The lighting of the lamp by different representatives set the tone as a collective participation for a mission.

Teacher Michelle Godinho accorded a warm welcome to the gathering and also introduced the resource person for the day, Rev. Fr. Joseph Abraham CSSR.

Fr. Abraham spoke on the topic “Touch Hearts, Open Mind, Transform Life”. Fr. Abraham said that there are three ways of seeing teaching. Teaching – as a vocation, a profession and as a mission. The purpose of an educator is to facilitate the making of well adjusted, happy and confident individuals whose hearts and minds are lit and also efficient to face challenges of life.

The resource person stressed that to fulfil the purpose of teaching, it is important that the teacher himself/herself need to have a burning fire within.

At the end of each session the teachers were given an opportunity to share their thoughts and experiences for the benefit of the entire gathering. The session was made lively by the action songs which were performed by all the staff members of the schools in attendance at the lead of Rev Sr. Suzie sfn.

Scrumptious snacks were served to satisfy the mid afternoon hunger!

Fr. Abraham acknowledged the efforts of Rev Sr Clarina Gonsalves the headmistress of St Joseph Convent High School for organising this seminar for sister schools and also congratulated her for bringing so many staff members under one umbrella.

These were the take ways by the teachers from the workshop as related by Teacher Fedora: “it was a very enriching workshop where I felt the need to be very close to my children not only when I teach but also otherwise to give importance to them.

That it isn’t enough to teach the subjects well and neglect students. To understand their background, to share my talents with them to make them not only great rather make them more human. She added, “I learnt how to be a good teacher using my creative skills and give them my love being empathetic.”

Teacher Valentina Vaz from St Joseph Vaz High School was happy to share: “that the seminar was inspirational and how I as a teacher need to have the will power to learn to explore new things to make my teaching interesting”.

“I was enlightened by the talk where I felt “that I need to transform lives of all the students even the weaker ones by lighting a spark within them and to make a difference in their lives,” said teacher Fransquiha from Holy Family School, Seraulim.

The programme of the day concluded with Teacher Fedora Tavares proposing the Vote of Thanks followed by the singing of the National Anthem.