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God Has a Better Plan for Us

By Akhsi Wary csc –

Readings: Is 56:1, 6-7; Rom 11:13-15, 29-32; Mt 15:21-28

Today is the 20th Sunday in ordinary time. The first reading clearly tells us to do what is right and just in the sight of God and remain committed and faithful to the commandments that he has given us to follow. In the second reading, we see St. Paul striving to awaken the people from their unbelief and tells them to come near to the true Lord. The gospel reading shows us the persistence and great faith of the Canaanite woman which is a message for us to deepen our faith and trust in Christ. The persistence and faith that the Canaanite woman had within herself and in Jesus was immense, therefore she was granted her wish by the Lord.

At times, we face trials and difficulties in life which can weaken our faith in Jesus, and in those moments, it seems like our prayers are unanswered. Sometimes as the situation gets worse rather than getting better, it feels like god has left our side. So how should our attitude be in these kinds of situations?

Today’s gospel gives us the perfect example in the person of Canaanite woman. When we pray and ask petitions to the Lord, it must be with hope, trust, and persistence. We need to trust in his will and purpose for us, and he will surely grant us what we need. If not, we know Lord has a better plan for us.